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Messages - Lars

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Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: June 12, 2023, 09:17:04 am »
Correction: szFormat is initialized dynamically via a resource (ridiculous). But because USHORTs are in use, the format string will likely not match the passed variables size. Therefore: convert the USHORT stuff to ULONG (rc and the like).

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: June 12, 2023, 09:13:39 am »
That's not surprising as szFormat is not initialized which likely leads to a chrash in sprintf, all USHORTs should be converted to ULONGs and possibly some other minor probs.

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: June 12, 2023, 07:55:00 am »
I have not looked into the source code so I don't know what is already 32-bit flat pointer and what is still segmented, but try:

pRetcode = (PUSHORT)((PUCHAR)pErr + pErr->offBinaryData);

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: June 11, 2023, 03:11:24 pm »
I think, this misunderstanding stems from the fact that every IOPL example (which means 16-bit code use by the nature of IOPL support in OS/2) seems to imply that you need to put the IOPL code into a separate DLL. Well, you do not have to do that, just needs some additions to the def file and you can happily link 16-bit IOPL code to the rest of your 32-bit app.

Setup & Installation / Re: AOO4.11.1/Firefox/Seamonkey trouble
« on: June 07, 2023, 02:59:24 pm »
Die DLL ICUUC.DLL kann eine Funktion in der DLL STDCPP6.DLL nicht finden.
Sehr wahrscheinlich musst du dann für eine oder beide DLLs mittels yum/rpm irgendwelche legacy packages installieren. Vielleicht musst du auch mittels LIBPATH dafür sorgen, dass die DLLs bevorzugt aus bestimmten Verzeichnissen geladen werden.
Hab vergessen, in welchem Paket die icuuc DLL drin ist, da musst du in den Paketinhalten rumsuchen.

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: June 05, 2023, 02:21:48 pm »
Try "DosSleep(1)" instead of "DosSleep(0)" in the drawing thread. That should already slow down things considerably.
DosSleep(0) will only yield the CPU if there is another thread of same or higher prio in the ready state (ready and waiting to be doing work).
DosSleep(1) will yield the CPU if there is another thread of any prio in the ready state. Since you typically have a bunch of daemons etc. running in the background that also schedule threads of idle (very low) prio, that should always trigger a yield.
And yielding means to give away your time slice and it takes the OS ages (in computer terms) to regain a time slice/next chance to execute the thread.
Might still not be enough on a multi-core system (where you have multiple CPUs that could do work ...).

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: June 02, 2023, 12:32:53 pm »
I also don't have "SMVDD.SYS"

I found a reference on this book:
(The Guide to OS/2 Warp Device Drivers. December 1995)

"This driver provides DOS and WIN-OS/2 digital video support. If you do not use DOS or WIN-OS/2 that require digital video support you can remove this driver from CONFIG.SYS."

Checking the readme it says:

SHOW.ZIP is an exectuable and source code which shows you how to
use DIVE (Direct Interface to Video Extensions) to directly
access the video display. It is useful for games and other apps
which need SPEED!  You actually write directly to video memory.

It contains the following items:

L        CMD  sample linker file
DIRECT   H    fucntion prototypes
SHOW     EXE  program to display a bitmap
SHOW     C    source code for DIVE interface
SMVDD    SYS  Device driver to map addresses
CHICK    BMP  Bitmap
DIRECT   C    More DIVE code
C        CMD  Compiler batch file.

SMVDD.SYS - Device driver to map addresses ? uhm?? It does not mach the description.


One of the features of SMVDD.SYS is (or rather: was) to provide a function to map a physical address (in this case: the screen aperture) to a linear address valid in the caller's address space so that you can access the screen and write to it like you would write to memory. This functionality is also provided by SCREEN01.SYS and since SCREEN01.SYS is contained in any OS/2 system up to present day, SCREEN01.SYS is the correct pick.
It would take a bit of effort to adapt the code.

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: May 31, 2023, 07:40:38 pm »
Try to force a localization of en_US (I suppose your LANG env var is set to something that wipfc does not understand):

wipfc -l en_US ....

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: May 29, 2023, 09:11:27 am »
The warning about RC is perfectly ok. It is being assigned a value, removing it will obviously lead to an error. But the assignment does not result in any consequences, hence the warning.
However, I often also do that in order to ease source code debugging and if an error would be very unlikely. It's easier to look at a variable then to look at registers (a function always places its result in EAX).

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: May 26, 2023, 10:46:38 am »
Can you enable the libc log and see what happens under the hoods ? It's either that Chromium tries to close file handles that have never been opened (judging from some Linux groups, quite a few apps are doing that or the libraries that they use and then, EBADF should indeed be ignored for good as you cannot make the distinction between good or bad) or the log will give a clue if the fd is completely out of bounds (indicating a programming error somewhere).

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: May 26, 2023, 07:22:49 am »
Why did you comment out the check? I think you should add OS2 to the IFDEF clause preceding the check (I would assume that our close resembles the UNIX/LINUX close).

Programming / Re: Compiling a PM sample with GCC (2023)
« on: May 23, 2023, 08:05:49 pm »

I'm trying this sample:

Hi Martin,

this is a perfect example where it sometimes makes sense to rewrite the whole thing. This thing was full of bugs (which had nothing to do with being a 16-bit application ...).
Find attached, it should now work.


I read it all and I am gladly proven wrong.

But best I can tell you are stating that your basic files modify the mmos2 files
Dll files in memory ? Is that correct ,?

You see best I can tell an os/2 dos vdm  can in no way
Modify os2 kernel memory.  Its protect mode operating system.
The memory is locked between os/2 vdm and the os/2 program.section.

I am really curious how Lars explained thuis to you..

Hi Roderick,

I cannot remember having explained anything to Roberto.
At least I hope, I didn't...


Programming / Re: Rexx cumulative values
« on: May 15, 2023, 12:50:14 pm »
Assuming strict ordering of field TEKSTFELT:

Code: [Select]
ok = VRMethod( "QRY_2", "MoveFirst" )
identifier = ''
sum = 0
do while( ok = 1 )
    call VRMethod "QRY_2", "RowData", "data."
    if data.1 <> identifier then do
       identifier = data.1
       sum = data.2
   else do
       sum = sum + data.2
   data.3 = sum
   say data.1 ',' data.2 ',' data.3
   ok = VRMethod( "QRY_2", "MoveNext" )

Hardware / Re: [Solved] Iomega ZIP 100 IDE
« on: May 15, 2023, 08:30:31 am »
Has anyone of you ever tried to access the drive with DFSEE?
DFSEE will be able to access the drive even if the OS does not assign a drive letter.
I am led to believe that you need to add LVM info to the volume(s) as LVM did not exist 20 some years ago.
Once that is done, the drive (or rather, the volumes) should show up with drive letter(s).
A brutal way to start from scratch is to have DFSEE wipe the first 63 sectors (or more) with zeros but of course that will lead to complete loss of data on that ZIP disk.

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