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Topics - A. Demetrious Sharpe, Sr.

Pages: [1]
Programming / LX binary executable header - OS type
« on: August 22, 2019, 05:10:29 am »
In the LX header, there is a field that's used to specify the OS type. Though OS/2 is the default, there are definitions for Windows & Windows 386. While these definitions were probably not used, the one for Windows doesn't go into detail about which version of Windows it's talking about. Does anyone know whether it's talking about Windows 1, Windows 2, or some early version of Windows 3?

General Discussion / OS/2 application developers
« on: December 06, 2017, 03:23:29 am »
Hello all,

Are there many application developers still active in the OS/2 community? If so, what API features would you like to see present if there were a 64-bit implementation of the OS/2 API? What features would you like to see removed from the OS/2 API?

General Discussion / API documentation
« on: December 03, 2017, 10:29:01 pm »
Hello all,

I'm looking for documentation of OS/2's APIs. I know about the documentation project at EDM/2, but it's not complete. So, I'm trying to track down as much additional documentation as possible in order to create as complete of a set as possible. If you have any sources of insight for the missing documentation, please post about it in a comment here.

Pushing aside who'd do it, why they'd do it, or any reservations about kernels & drivers, what do you think a64-bit OS/2 userland would/should look like? Which userspace technologies would you expect it to have? What should it's desktop/GUI features be? Which features of OS/2 Warp 4 should be carried forward? Which features should be left behind? If it were tied to its hardware (the way OS X is tied to Apple's hardware), but it all just worked, would that be an issue?

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