The OS/2 WarpFlash - 9

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The OS/2 WarpFlash - Issue #9 A Weekly Update On The World Of OS/2 and LAN Server

Note: The OS/2 WarpFlash was previously known as the WarpWire. The name has been changed to prevent any confusion with a possible "official" OS/2 WarpWire forthcoming from IBM.

If you think the OS/2 WarpFlash is a good idea, send cards and letters of support to This *MAY* become a mailing-list, so send in your request to be on the list NOW!

Back issues of the OS/2 WarpFlash are now available on the following Web site:

If you know someone who might be interested in OS/2 WarpFlash, feel free to forward this document, provided you forward it in it's entirety, as per the copyright notice at the end.

1. News:        OS/2 GOES TO THE BANK
3. News:        OS/2 WARP WINS CODIE AWARD


Important Disclaimer

I do this newsletter in my spare time. Please respect that I will sometimes make typographical errors that result in in- correct phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses. I would appreciate it if you would contact ME and let me know before firing off e-mail to the general IBM in-box. This will help me continue to work at IBM and therefore, continue this informal newsletter. <grin>

Although notices within this newsletter may be IBM press releases, the OS/2 WarpFlash as a whole is not an official IBM communication and should not be treated or represented as such.

All efforts have made to internationalize the OS/2 WarpFlash where possible; however, it is entirely possible that certain information with OS/2 WarpFlash may be applicable only in the US and Canada.


Bank of Boston is placing Warp in 300 of its branch locations!

Information Week via First! : Bank of Boston is spending $30 million on a massive technology enhancement project designed to improve customer service and ease the job of bank tellers. The cornerstone of the project? IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system.

The two-year project calls for the replacement of the bank's IBM 4700 teller controller system with OS/2 desktop and server machines in more than 300 branch offices. All told, OS/2 will likely be installed on more than 2 ,000 desktops and 600 servers, according to Dan Pearlman, an IBM client manager overseeing the Bank of Boston project.

Bank of Boston's new software will run on IBM desktop machines powered by Intel 486 DX2 66-MHz chips. IBM and Compaq Computer Corp. are bidding to supply the servers. The branch office network will be tied together using smart hubs and routers from Bay Networks Inc., which was formed by last year's $1 billion merger of hub giant SynOptics Communications Inc. and router expert Wellfleet Communications Inc.

Bank of Boston's OS/2 networks will also support imaging, teller auditing, and cash-box applications written with Argo Data's tools. File and print services will be provided by Novell Inc.'s NetWare for OS/2 network operating system. Says Dave Perkowski, director of software development at Argo Data, "Our branch office automation software is robust enough to let tellers work in standalone mode if a server fails."

--- Excerpted from an article by Joseph C.Panettieri
[02-08-95 at 16:12 EST, Copyright 1995, CMP Publications, Inc., File:
Entire contents (C) 1995 by INDIVIDUAL, Inc.,8 New England Executive Park
West, Burlington, MA  01803


Hanover, Germany - IBM Corp said Thursday it has won a major order for its latest computer software from several big German banks and companies Deutsche Bank AG, Volks- & Raiffeisen-banken, Bayerisch Vereinsbank AG, Bayerische Hypotheken- & Wechsel-Bank AG, BFG Bank AG, Allianz Holding AG and Karstadt AG have placed big orders for IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system. "This concerns tens of thousands of copies of OS/2", Richard Seibt, software director at IBM's German subsidiary said at the Cebit information technology and computer trade fair.


The Codie award that was given to OS/2 Warp as the best business software is the equivalent of winning the best movie award Oscar. As with the Oscar award, people from the industry vote. In the case of the Codie, members of the Software Publishing Association, an association of worldwide commercial software developers. This is a great form of recognition for OS/2 Warp as our peers (other software developers in the industry) have selected OS/2 Warp as best business software.

The other competitors in the best business software category were Microsoft Office, Lotus Approach and Smartsuite, Collobora Share, and Laplink.

With this awared, IBM gets the right to put the Codies award sticker on our product package, which has some proven value in the retail channel.

The Tenth Annual Excellence in Software Awards, the Codies, were awarded at a black-tie gala tonight attended by hundreds of prominent software industry publishers. The awards were given in recognition of outstanding consumer, business, and education software products of 1994. In their tenth year, the Codie Award is the software industry's most coveted honor for outstanding product achievement. During the ceremony held at the SPA's Spring Symposium in San Diego, software products and their makers were honored for remarkable imagination, innovation, and intelligence.

Nearly 700 nominations were submitted for 25 Codie Awards. Over 200 companies throughout the business, consumer, and education markets submitted product nominations for the software industry "Oscars." A slate of seven finalists in each category was selected by a panel of veteran software journalists who regularly review software as well as cover industry development issues. The final ballot was voted on by the SPA membership.

"On this landmark anniversary of the Codies, it is especially important to recognize the talent, dedication, and hard work behind the winning of a Codie. Each award signifies the outstanding accomplishments of software professionals," said SPA Executive Director Ken Wasch. "In an effort to constantly improve the Codie Awards, the SPA's implementation of a press judging tier adds depth and credibility to the process and creates a more valuable award for Codie recipients."

The winners included such well known companies as Adobe, Microsoft, Maxis, Intuit, and Broderbund. Codie Awards were also won by several smaller companies for outstanding software products. Such Codie-winning companies as A.D.A.M. Software, DeLorme Mapping, and id Software are becoming increasingly well known.

The quality of this year's entrants shows the growth and innovation the software industry has seen over the last decade. The names of the 1995 Codie Winners that will enrich the way we work, learn, and play are included below.

The Software Publishers Association is the principal trade association of the PC software industry. Its 1,150 members represent the leading publishers in the business, consumer, and education markets. The SPA has offices in Washington, DC, and Paris, France. SPA press releases are available on-line through CompuServe (GO:SPAFORUM), and from SPA's faxback service at 800-637-6823.


SoftBank is piloting an online trade show which will allow both
attendees at NetWorld+Interop and those who are not able to travel to
the show to "attend" the NetWorld+Interop show in advance, during, and
after the actual physical NetWorld+Interop show. This online "Virtual
Trade Show (TM)" is known as N+I Online!(TM). IBM has chosen to
participate in this initial online trade show.Now IBM's pilot
participation is up and running.
Currently, the first of the three separate phases is underway.
  - Pre-Show Posting
      - Posted two weeks prior to show opening (March 13).
      - Allows attendees to pre-plan their schedules and see what IBM
          is doing at the show.
The two future postings for N+I Online! are:
  - At-Show Posting
      - Posted opening day of show (March 28).
      - Includes product announcements and other time sensitive
  - Post-Show Posting
      - Posted day after show and continues for two weeks.
      - Includes awards won, show highlights, etc.
Content includes:
  1) Exhibit
     - What's on the floor. Also off-floor test drive center, etc.
  2) What's New?
     - Product announcements at-show. Also recently announced,
       highlighted products featured at show.
  3) Special Events
     - Such as Marketing Events, Hospitality Suites, Press Conferences
  4) Speakers
     - IBM Keynotes, Plenaries, Conference Sessions
     - OS/2 Conference Track
  5) Other Related Info
  6) Guest Book
To view the SoftBank portion, go to URL:
To view the IBM portion, go to URL:
Please surf the 'net, register in our IBM guest book, and tell us what
you think. Next time we definitely plan to have snazzier graphics.
Other suggestions on how we can improve our pages are most welcome!
HANDY HINT:  When you enter N+I Online! for the first time you'll be
asked to register and given a password.  When you access N+I Online!
succeeding times, you will be asked to give your internet address and
password.  Here's the handy hint - to enter the password, you'll need
to shift your screen to the left so you can see the password field
which is beyond the right border of your screen.  (Don't ask how long
it took me to figure that one out, but I will tell you I'm not the only
one who tried 99 ways to enter their password in the address field
before figuring out the above handy hint.)
N+I Online! and Virtual Trade Show are trademarks of SoftBank
Exposition and Conference Services.


InfoWorld, 3-20-95
OS/2 Warp won the InfoWorld Reader's Choice Awards for Software
Product of the Year, Overall Product of the Year, and the Test
Center Award for Operating Systems.
Computerworld, 3-20-95
IBM is preparing Warp Connect and OS/2 for the PowerPC, trying to
get them out the door before the arrival of Windows 95.
Nicholas Petreley, InfoWorld, 3-20-95
Most of the utilities in Performance Plus 3.0 will be somewhat
useful to OS/2 users, but the performance-tuning utility will
"make a big difference in how OS/2 runs."
Nicholas Petreley, InfoWorld, 3-20-95
InfoWorld readers have chosen OS/2 for the third year in a row as
the product of the year, but the press continues to ignore it.
Petreley says OS/2 runs native applications in a "rock-solid"
environment, has a vastly superior desktop and networks well.
Newsbytes News Network via First!, 3-20-95
The IBM PC Co. will let customers choose Warp or DOS with
Microsoft Windows by clicking an icon with Select-A-System.
Boston Globe, 3-17-95
In Byte Magazine's Readers' Choice Awards, OS/2 Warp won in the
general software category.
Shawn Willett, Computer Reseller News, 3-20-95
IBM is planning to merge OS/2 Warp and LAN Server in a product to
be called OS/2 Warp Server or OS/2 Integrated Server.  The
product will also have global directory services and security.
InfoWorld, 3-20-95
IBM acquired the rights to Star Office for OS/2 developed by the
German company Star Division.  PSP officials said that IBM had
signed a developing and marketing agreement, but wouldn't comment
on reports that IBM would sell the suite under the name IBM-Star
Comline Computer Wire via First!, 3-17-95
IBM Japan announced that 15 Japanese companies, including NEC and
Toshiba, will adopt the Japanese version of OS/2 Warp.


March 1, 1995
SPG, Inc.** has announced it is shipping ColorWorks** for
OS/2*, an advanced graphics image editor for the computer
artist or designer, and an advanced frame processor for
multimedia, desktop publishing and presentation applications.
ColorWorks is a 32-bit multi-tasking, multi-threaded application
that offers core technology, speed of operation, and valuable
features far beyond that delivered by the current 16-bit, single
threaded image editors.
ColorWorks, according to SPG,Inc., has a powerful set of
professional photo retouching effects, unique filter labs,
special effects,  multiple methods of warping, and free
form distortion mapping.  Any effect can be used by itself
or in combination with any number of other effects the artist
For power users, ColorWorks can be set to dynamically divide
drawing tasks to up to 64 processors, for linear increases in
performance.  Also for power users, ColorWorks' unique
DIMIC (Dynamic in-Memory Image Compression), according to SPG,
can reduce the RAM requirements of editing images by up to 90%
allowing the user to edit large "workstation size" images on a
"SPG ColorWorks for OS/2 dramatically demonstrates the power
and performance that can be delivered to users today by building
native 32-bit applications on OS/2 Warp," said James J. Gant,
IBM's vice president of Solution Developer Operations.  "With
OS/2's multi-tasking capability, users can, for the first time,
continue to use ColorWorks while drawing operations are
executing.  This feature, combined with the capability to spread
work across multiple processors, delivers the speed and
flexibility users have been waiting for."
(* Registered trademark of the IBM Corporation)
(** Trademark or registered trademark of SPG, Inc.)


There is an OS/2 Device Driver Repository available to anyone with
internet access. The repository contains many hundreds of megabytes of
files, mostly OS/2 device drivers and some information (hints & tips)
The FTP server (repository) can be accessed on the World Wide Web (WWW)
using a Web browser program such as WebExplorer, available as part of the
Internet Access Kit (IAK) in OS/2 Warp, or from the OS/2 command line.
The addresses for the FTP server are:
From a Web browser:
If you experience problems "linking" to the os2drivers
area then I stongly suggest you access the FTP server from the OS/2
command line. There is a known bug in the IAK/WebExplorer which is being
Or from the OS/2 command line:  - and then change to /psmemea/os2drivers/
   (type 'ftp')
 When accessing from the OS/2 command line, use anonymous as the logon
userid, and when prompted for a password give it your full internet


Innoval offers a product tailored to the emailer which is powerful, seamless and easy-to-use.


      +  Sort any folder (Inbox, etc) by subject, sender or date
      +  Drag-n-drop printing, shredding, replying, forwarding, filing
      +  Print and Send Queues for offline mailing
      +  Integrated Address Book
      +  File Attachments, Mail Archiving, External Distribution Lists

The Green Edition of the Post Road Mailer will begin shipping during
the week of April 17th.  The Blue Edition will ship two weeks later.
If you would like to order a copy early you may do so and you will
receive a substantial discount.  Either version may be ordered through
April 17th for only $29.00 (plus shipping).  The regular price for the
Green Edition will be $59.00 and for the Blue Edition, $79.00.  If you
order early we will also include you among our charter user group and
promise to ship you all maintenance releases and new versions for one
year.  Of course, if you order the Post Road Mailer and are unhappy
with it when you receive it, we'll gladly let you return it within 30
days for a full refund.
 o The Green Edition for Internet email requires OS/2 and a TCP/IP
   SLIP connection to an Internet service provider such as IBM
   Internet Connection Services.  TCP/IP is provided with OS/2 Warp
   Version 3 BonusPak.
 o The Blue Edition for PROFS requires OS/2 Version 2.1 or higher and
   a VM/PROFS account. The Blue Edition uses the EHLLAPI DLL supported
   through the IBM Communications Manager/2 or, for dial-up, Advantis

       TO ORDER CALL (914) 835-3838 or send fax, mail or email
          VISA and MasterCard and Purchase Orders Accepted

   InnoVal Systems Solutions, Inc.
   600 Mamaroneck Avenue
   Harrison, NY 10528-1632
   Phone:  (914) 835-3838
   Fax:    (914) 835-3857

IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation.  Kodak
is a registered trademark of the Eastman Kodak Company.  Post Road
Mailer is a trademark of InnoVal Systems Solutions, Inc.  All other
brands both cited and not cited are trademarks, registered trademarks,
or service marks of their respective companies.  All prices are
subject to change without notice.  Prices are in US Dollars.


 Tata Information Systems (TISL), a joint venture between IBM and Tata
 Industries in India, has been awarded a contract from Peutronics,
 a software vendor in India, for 10,000 copies of IBM's OS/2 Warp
 operating system.
 Under the terms of the agreement, OS/2 Warp will be offered with
 Peutronics' leading financial and accounting application called Tally
 Version 5 to customers.  Peutronics evaluated Microsoft Windows, Unix,
 and OS/2 Warp in search of a more powerful and flexible operating
 system than Microsoft DOS, and then selected OS/2 Warp based on its
 32-bit multi-tasking capabilities, graphical user interface features,
 speed, and integrated applications, including BonusPack and easy
 access to Internet.
 Mr. Bharat Goenka, an Apple certified developer and tester for Watcom
 International, originally developed Tally software to help run his
 father's business.  In 1987, the software was launched in Bangalore's
 business district of Chickpet under the name Peutronics Financial
 Accountant.  Corporations expressed interest in the product and the
 software was later renamed Tally and was launched nationwide.
 Commenting on the evaluation,  Mr. Goenka said that OS/2 Warp was
 found to be the most reliable graphical user interface platform
 available today.


Starting April 25 - May 9, IBM Canada will be running software roadshows in 5 cities across Canada. The objective of the roadshow is to increase awareness of IBM workstation products in the reseller channel and to inform VARs, Dealers, Systems Integrators, Network Integrators, and Consultants about IBM's BESTeam Partner Program.

This roadshow is intended exclusively for channel partners.

VARs, Dealers, Consultants or Integrators who are in interested in attending, please call 1-800-465-SW4U ext 694 to register.

Roadshow schedules and details are as follows:

                     ROADSHOW SCHEDULE
      Tuesday Shows                      Thursday Shows
      -------------                      --------------
April 25, 1995    Vancouver         April 27, 1995    Calgary
May 2, 1995       Toronto           May 4, 1995       Ottawa
May 9, 1995       Montreal

                        ROADSHOW TOPICS

Registration and Breakfast
IBM Software Strategy
BESTeam Program Overview

Session Breakouts:
The DB2(*) Family: Open and Flexible.
     With the DB2(*) family, you can provide your customers with
     solutions that scale from the desktop to the mainframe.
IBM Internetworking Tools:  Complete Communications

     IBM provides multi-protocol, platform-independent, enterprise-wide
     transport, emulation, and communications services that work
     together - today.

IBM WorkGroup:  The new face of teamwork
     The first total TEAM productivity solution, bringing together group
     communications, information management, and innovative work

LAN Server 4.0:  Drag-and-Drop Administration
     It doesn't matter what size business your customers have, LAN
     Server 4.0 is easy to use, easy to grow, and easy to sell.
Middleware Magic
     MQSeries(*) links applications in a heterogeneous environment
     and is key for mobile computing, e-mail, and data replication.
     A must-see!

Have a word with your computer and be more productive:
     IBM's voice command technology can type what your customers
     say - up to 90 words per minute.

We can show you OS/2(*) Warp today.
     The new 32 bit, multi-tasking, multimedia, Internet-accessed,
     crash protected, totally cool way to run your computer.
     Come see it.
A powerful new vision of programming.  See VisualAge(*) now!
     Cash in on the power and productivity of truly visual application
     program development.  PC Week's top pick of 1994.


Increase your value to your company and enhance your resume by pursuing professional certification from IBM.

Now it's easier than ever before to prepare yourself for certification with the new OS/2* Certification and OS/2 LAN Server Certification Handbooks. Available April 1 (no foolin'!), these new self-study books will help you increase your product knowledge and better prepare you for the OS/2 and LAN Server certification tests.

Your continued success in your field depends on your knowledge. Written by IBM product experts, the self-study books are also designed to be used as on-going reference material in your home or office. OS/2 2.1, OS/2 Warp, LAN Server 3.1 and LAN Server 4.0 are all covered.

You can save money and time with the OS/2 Certification and OS/2 LAN Server Certification Handbooks. No more scheduling time away from work to attend class! Study at your own pace. Then when you're ready, call 1-800-959-EXAM to schedule your test.

Seize the power to increase your knowledge, earn your certification, and be in demand as a certified professional. Call 1-800-959-EXAM to order your own copy of OS/2 Certification and OS/2 LAN Server Certification Handbooks for only $89.95, plus shipping and handling.

 * OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines


IBM Ships New PS DOS 7 MultiPaks Designed for OEMs, VARs and Integrators

AUSTIN, TX March 21, 1995 ... IBM's newly released PC DOS Version 7 is now available to hardware and software remarketers in a MultiPak format, which includes everything a remarketer needs to create a preloaded system unit for sale to an end-user.

PC DOS 7 MultiPaks make it easy for resellers, such as small-to-middle tier OEMs, VARs and system integrators, to acquire PC operating system software from IBM Authorized Software Distributors for preloading on their computer system units.

"The Preload MultiPak includes everything you need to install PC DOS 7 on five computer system units," said Karl LaWall, worldwide PC DOS brand manager, IBM Personal Software Products. "Not only do these packages make it easier to acquire and sell PC DOS 7, but they are aggressively priced."

PC DOS 7 MultiPaks are available in two versions: Preload and Distribution. The PC DOS 7 Preload MultiPak includes five packages of diskettes and documentation (3.5" diskette media, concise users guides, program license agreements). One package may be used to preload one computer system unit and/or may be included with the computer unit sale. The PC DOS 7 Distribution MultiPak is a license only package that authorizes remarketers to preload five computer systems from the media supplied in the PC DOS 7 MultiPak. It includes five end-user packages containing program license agreements and a coupon booklet for inclusion with each preloaded computer system unit. A "break-the-seal" Product Distribution Agreement is affixed to each MultiPak and must be agreed to prior to obtaining authorization to preload the IBM software.

"Our objective with the MultiPak is to make it much easier for small manufacturing companies to purchase IBM operating systems at attractive prices," said John Soyring, director of strategic relations, IBM Personal Software Products. "Before we began offering MultiPaks, OEMs had to contact IBM directly to acquire OS/2 or PC DOS. Now, computer system resellers can acquire IBM software from many distributors with whom they are probably already doing business."

IBM Authorized Software Distributors that currently offer the OS/2 Warp and PC DOS 7 MultiPaks include:

                                  USA              CANADA
Computerland Customer Service: 1-800-227-1222    Not available
DataGo Customer Service:       1-800-354-9368    Not available
Gates/Arrow:                   1-800-332-2222    Not available
Ingram Micro:                  1-800-456-8000    1-800-668-3450
Merisel:                       1-800-MERISEL     (416) 240-7012
Tech Data:                     1-800-237-8931    1-800-668-5588

Direct IBM OEM contracts are available to larger volume OEMs. For more information call 1-800-426-4579 in the U.S. or(905) 316-8009 in Canada.

PC DOS 7, with integrated Stacker 4.0 disk compression, is IBM's 14th release of industry standard DOS. It is the most advanced DOS available, offering more memory, disk space, performance and value than any previous version. PC DOS 7 is designed to add significant value and power to existing DOS and DOS/Windows environments.


Getting Started with OS/2 Warp is the first of a series of four training videos for new users of OS/2* Warp, version 3.0. All installation and setup tasks are demonstrated with on-screen tutorials, and a learning disk is provided for hands-on experience.

Some of the topics covered on the video include:

  • Opening a folder, using pop-up menus, viewing applications
  • Using the LaunchPad, changing the Lockup Image
  • Changing sound options, object titles, program names
  • Creating, changing and deleting objects
  • Drives folder, copying and moving files and folders
  • Installing DOS, Windows and BonusPak applications
  • Dual Boot, Shutdown
  • Floppy and hard disk maintenance

Getting Started with OS/2 Warp is available for U.S. $49.95 from ViaGrafix. Other videos in the series will be Learning OS/2 Warp, Advanced; Using Internet with OS/2 Warp; and Using OS/2 Warp for Multimedia. The four-tape set will be sold for U.S. $159.95. Videos in the PAL (non-US) format are U.S. $59.95 each.

For more information call ViaGrafix at (800) 842-4723 in the U.S. or (918) 825-6700 elsewhere. Fax (800) 842-3294 or (918) 825-6744, e-mail 75774.3504@CompuServe.Com.

ViaGrafix, a leading supplier of computer training products about OS/2 and related products, is a member of IBM's Independent Vendor League (IVL). The IVL supports individuals and companies who develop and market books, newsletters, magazines, training videos, courseware and consulting services for OS/2 and other IBM personal software products.

This news release is from the IBM IVL News Service and may be freely copied and distributed. For information about the IVL, call (203) 452-7704, fax (203) 268-1075 or e-mail GailO@VNET.IBM.COM.

  • OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.


Momentum gains as IBM, Solution Providers announce OpenDoc Support

BOSTON, Object World '95 . . . IBM today announced an updated OpenDoc** for OS/2* Warp delivery schedule, and outlined increased OpenDoc support from IBM, customers and a host of solution providers. OpenDoc is a robust component architecture that delivers significant benefits to application developers by evolving applications to a component-based, integrated structure.

Updated Delivery Schedule

The first phase of the OpenDoc delivery schedule occurred in December 1994, with the delivery of the OpenDoc for OS/2 Developer Toolkit 1. Phase two, Developer Toolkit 2, which IBM plans to deliver in the summer of 1995, will include the complete developer capability (i.e. API set), which will more closely integrate OpenDoc with OS/2 Warp. In the fall of 1995, IBM plans to deliver OpenDoc V1.0, which will include full runtime support to license and ship OpenDoc software on OS/2 Warp 3.0 or greater. In addition, IBM plans to integrate OpenDoc into future releases of OS/2 Warp, including integration with the OS/2 WorkPlace Shell*, making OpenDoc available to OS/2 Warp developers and customers.

"Our customers are driving the demand for an open component marketplace because they need to quickly deliver customized IT solutions that will support their heterogeneous, multi-platform environment," said Steve Mills, general manager, IBM Software Solutions. "Through the adoption of OpenDoc, solution providers are meeting this demand."

OpenDoc Software

In separate announcements today, IBM and over 25 solution providers announced their intent to deliver OpenDoc for OS/2 software. IBM reinforced plans to deliver OpenDoc components for its flagship workgroup solution, IBM WorkGroup.

The solution providers announced their intent to deliver a wide range of applications, from productivity tools, such as spreadsheets, word processors and graphics packages, to vertical industry software, such as finance and banking solutions. A number of application development vendors also announced their intent to deliver OpenDoc-enabled tool sets.

"IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 is the premier environment for building OpenDoc-enabled software," said John Swainson, vice president, Application Development Solutions, IBM. "In fact, many of the developers in today's announcements are using IBM's C++ offerings in their OpenDoc development."

IBM will extend IBM Open Class with a framework to help developers build OpenDoc parts easily. In addition, the visual builder in VisualAge C++ will support OpenDoc-enabled parts.

OpenDoc Developer Toolkit

OpenDoc Developer Toolkit 1, available since December 1994, contains revisions of the previously released alpha software and represents the first high-function, SOM-enabled developer release. This toolkit allows developers to build OpenDoc software with rendering, menus, pop-up menus, clipboard, basic Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) support, embedded PM controls, and WorkPlace Shell drag/drop. The Developer Toolkit 1 release is ideal to begin the development of OpenDoc component designs, building object-oriented component programming skills, and produce functional prototypes.

In addition to contributing to the set of core technologies that comprise OpenDoc, IBM will deliver implementations of OpenDoc on OS/2 Warp, OS/2 for PowerPC* and AIX*.

  • Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
    • Products or companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holder.


Boston, March 21, 1995 ... Today at Object World Boston, IBM re-enforced plans to deliver OpenDoc* components for its flagship workgroup solution, IBM WorkGroup. OpenDoc is a standard component software architecture for creating reusable software parts that can be customized and assembled by end-users into applications and documents.

IBM WorkGroup, is an integrated palette of modular, customizable software functions that range from robust e-mail and document management to workflow. Currently in beta, the first set of integrated IBM WorkGroup functions, including mail, fax, calendar, directory and intelligent agents, will be generally available by mid-1995.

Beginning in late 1995, the functions of IBM WorkGroup will evolve into OpenDoc parts, allowing teams to create a workgroup environment that meets their specific requirements.

"The ability to customize workgroup software has traditionally carried a high price tag," said Dick Sullivan, director, IBM WorkGroup marketing. "Today's businesses want affordable and flexible solutions tailored to their unique business needs -- that's what IBM WorkGroup is all about. Through the support of OpenDoc, IBM WorkGroup users will be able to create customized workgroup environments at off-the-shelf prices."

Through support for OpenDoc, IBM WorkGroup business partners will also be able to build parts that will work with the IBM WorkGroup palette -- giving customers expanded choice and flexibility.

OpenDoc technology is sponsored by Component Integration Laboratories (CI Labs), an independent industry association that unites many of the leaders in the world of computer technology. CI Labs members include Adobe Systems Inc.; Apple Computer, Inc.; International Business Machines Corporation; Lotus Development Corporation; the Object Management Group (OMG); Taligent, Inc.; and WordPerfect, the Novell Applications Group.

Based in Somers, N.Y., IBM's Software Solutions Division provides data management, application development and workgroup solutions for mission-critical applications on PCs, workstations, LANs and host systems.

  • Products or companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holder


Announcing 1995 Issue 3 of IBM SDO Developer Support News (DSNEWS), in ASCII format.

Produced monthly and distributed electronically by the IBM Solution Developer Operations (SDO) organization, DSNEWS gives members of IBM's Developer Assistance programs the latest information about all the IBM technical, business, and marketing programs in place to help them develop and market their software successfully.

DSNEWS is *only* distributed electronically; IBM is not producing printed copies for distribution.

The monthly DSNEWS files are ZIPped into the file DSNymA.ZIP, where y = last digit of year, and m = issue number represented as alpha (for example, DSN5BA.ZIP is the 1995 second issue). DSNymA.ZIP contains:

  • This announcement file, DSNyA1.ANN
  • The current month's contents list, DSNym.SMY
  • An annual cumulative list of contents, DSNy.CUM (except for Issue 1)
  • The current month's ASCII newsletter, DSNymA.ASC

The ZIPped files are posted on several e-mail and BBS systems:

  • America Online, in the OS/2 forum, in the Newsletters library
  • CompuServe, in OS2DF2 forum, *DAP library section 14 and in OS2DF1 forum, OPEN FORUM library section 15
  • Fidonet, in the OS2 Information file area, FWOS2INFO
  • GEnie, in OS/2 Software Library 16
  • Hitline mailbox (Switzerland), in file area 8
  • IBM Canada BBS, in file area 35, OS/2 Programming
  • IBM Europe/Middle East/Africa (E/ME/A) DAP BBS, in file area GENERAL.DOCS
  • IBM France OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS, in area PUBS01
  • IBM OS2BBS (TALKLink), in OS/2 Software Library, in Documents and Info
  • IBM Personal Computer Company BBS, in file area 11, OS/2 Programming
  • Internet, via anonymous ftp from, in directory /pub/os2/info; or via Gopher from, in the OS/2 Information menu
  • NIFTY-Serve (Japan), in FIBMFEEL forum, library section 4
  • OS2NET (Europe), on all OS2NET bulletin boards in Europe, usually in the DSNEWS download area
  • PRODIGY, in the OS/2 Club topic's download library, in IBM Files

Note: If you cannot find files named dsn... (in lower case), look for files named DSN... (in upper case).

We hope our SDO newsletter serves your needs, and we'd like your feedback please send it to DSNEWS@VNET.IBM.COM.

(R) IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp.

(R) CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Inc.


Most of us want to keep up with the latest technology and see what is going on in the industry by attending different trade shows. A real advantage in attending NetWorld + Interop is to enhance your personal skills by taking advantage of certification testing offered by IBM at no additional charge. You can take tests towards becoming a Certified OS/2* Engineer, Certified OS/2 LAN Server Engineer, and Certified OS/2 LAN Server Administrator.

Are you Ready/2 Get Certified? IBM Professional Certification will be offering OS/2 and OS/2 LAN Server testing at NetWorld + Interop in Las Vegas, March 28-31, 1995 at no additional charge.

If saving up to hundreds of dollars sounds good to you, then don't miss this opportunity to take advantage of IBM's Professional Certification testing while you're at NetWorld + Interop. This is your chance to get certified on OS/2 Warp and OS/2 LAN Server 4.0!

Normally, each test costs $100, but at NetWorld + Interop, you can take any of the fourteen tests at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! Each test gets you one step closer to your personal goal of becoming certified as an OS/2 Engineer, LAN Server Administrator, or LAN Server Engineer.

Test objectives, sample tests, and study guides will be available in the Study Hall in Room N214. Study Hall hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Registration begins every day at 8:00 a.m. in Room N214. Schedule an appointment to take each test. Tests range from one to two hours in length. Testing is being conducted in Room N215 on the following dates and times:

   Tuesday, March 28     8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
   Wednesday, March 29   8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m
   Thursday, March 30    8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The following tests will be offered:

  • Test #109 - Installing OS/2
  • Test #110 - Using OS/2
  • Test #112 - Supporting OS/2
  • Test #013 - OS/2 Performance and Tuning
  • Test #014 - OS/2 Problem Determination (Hang/Trap Analysis)
  • Test #103 - OS/2 LAN Server Administrator I
  • Test #001 - Token-Ring Network Implementation
  • Test #002 - OS/2 LAN Server & NetWare** Client Coexistence
  • Test #103 - OS/2 LAN Server Administration I
  • Test #104 - OS/2 LAN Server Administration II
  • Test #005 - Introduction to Integrated Networking
  • Test #106 - OS/2 LAN Server Workstation Planning and Installation
  • Test #107 - OS/2 LAN Server Performance
  • Test #008 - Ethernet** Implementation & Problem Determination
  • Test #016 - DSM: Remote Software Installation Using CID

IBM Professional Certification will also offer testing at the IBM Interchange in New Orleans May 21-25, 1995, and at OS/2 World in Boston July 17-21, 1995. So mark your calendars and make it a date to work on your certification at one of the shows. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
    • Trademarks of Novell, Inc. and Xerox, Inc.


Q1. What is "The Developer Connection for OS/2"?
A1.The Developer Connection for OS/2  is an annual subscription program
   for application developers. Its purpose is to deliver:  licenses to
   developers for toolkits, productivity tools, development tools and
   sample code; licenses to the latest pre-release code so developers
   can prepare for and simulate future environments;  and the most
   up-to-date versions of technical documentation on OS/2.
   The Developer Connection for OS/2 consists of four issues ( CDs and a
   newsletter), delivered over the course of one year, plus access to
   The Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe
   until the subscription expires.
   For those subscribers who are not members of CompuServe, IBM has
   established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS under TalkLink
   (TalkLink is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services), and
   Internet support by addressing your questions and comments to

Q2. What does The Developer Connection cost?
* A2. An annual subscription entitles the subscriber to four issues of the
    CD(s) and newsletter, plus access to a private section of the
    CompuServe OS2DF2 forum. Customers may also purchase additional
    licenses,  which allows for making one additional copy of the contents
    of the four issues of the CD(s) and newsletters and one additional
    license to use the code delivered on the CDs

In US, the prices are as follows; note that US prices DO NOT INCLUDE shipping and handling:

                        Regular  Commercial/  Student/    
                        Price    Premier      Faculty     
Annual Subscription   $199.00   $119.00      $119.00     
Additional License    $ 75.00   $ 45.00      N/A         
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In EMEA, an Annual Subscription is priced as follows; note that EMEA

prices DO INCLUDE shipping and handling:

Country    Currency     RSP      EMEADAP    *                   VAT %
Austria      ATS        2337      1599     Austrian Schilling    20
Belgium      BEF        6962      4763     Belgian Franc         20,5
Denmark      DKK        1311       897     Danish Kroner         25
Finland      FIM        1170       801     Finmark               22
France       FRF        1146       784     French Franc          18,6
Germany      DEM         333       228     German Mark           15
Greece       GRD       48423     33132     Greek Drachma          -
Ireland      IEP         139        95     Irish Pound           21
Italy        ITL      311030    212810     Italian Lire          19
Netherlands  NLG         376       257     Dutch Gylden          17,5
Norway       NOK        1446       989     Norwegian Kroner      23
Portugal     PTE       33778     23111     Portuguese Escodos    17
Spain        ESP       26786     18327     Spanish Pesetas       16
Sweden       SEK        1579      1080     Swedish Kroner        25
Switzerland  CHF         295       202     Swiss Franc            6,5
UK           GBP         131        90     British Pound         18
Israel       USD         190       130     US Dollar
Turkey       USD         190       130     US Dollar
* The EMEA DAP discount is being discontinued effective May 31, 1995.
In EMEA, a DUA (equivalent to US Additional License) is priced as follows;

note that EMEA prices DO INCLUDE shipping and handling:

Country    Currency      RSP      EMEADAP        *              VAT %
Austria      ATS         923       603     Austrian Schilling    20
Belgium      BEF        2748      1795     Belgian Franc         20,5
Denmark      DKK         518       338     Danish Kroner         25
Finland      FIM         462       302     Finmark               22
France       FRF         452       295     French Franc          18,6
Germany      DEM         131        86     German Mark           15
Greece       GRD       19115     12488     Greek Drachma          -
Ireland      IEP          55        36     Irish Pound           21
Italy        ITL      122775     80213     Italian Lire          19
Netherlands  NLG         149        97     Dutch Gylden          17,5
Norway       NOK         571       373     Norwegian Kroner      23
Portugal     PTE       13334      8711     Portuguese Escodos    17
Spain        ESP       10574      6908     Spanish Pesetas       16
Sweden       SEK         623       407     Swedish Kroner        25
Switzerland  CHF         116        76     Swiss Franc            6,5
UK           GBP          52        34     British Pound         18
Israel       USD          75        49     US Dollar
Turkey       USD          75        49     US Dollar

* The EMEA DAP discount is being discontinued effective May 31, 1995.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   In Canada:  Annual Subscription - 225.00 Canadian Dollars
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Q3. If I belong to the DAP, do I get a discount?
* A3. Yes, members of the US Commercial Services or US Premier Services
    of the US Developer Assistance Program (DAP),  may purchase The
    Developer Connection for OS/2 at a reduced price - $119 for an annual
    subscription, $45 for each additional license.   US Worldwide DAP
    members, however, purchase The Developer Connection at
    the regular $199 price.
   European DAP members may currently purchase The Developer Connection  for

OS/2 at a reduced rate, however, the EMEA DAP discount is being discontinued effective May 31, 1995.

Q4. What does The Developer Connection CD contain?
A4. The CD(s)  contains pre-release versions of many IBM OS/2 and LAN
    products, internal development and productivity tools, bitmaps, and
    demos of products from IBM and others. Each CD also
    includes the latest release level of The Developer's Toolkit for
    OS/2, The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp Version 3,
    the Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2 and
    the Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. In addition to these
    programs, the CD contains sample source code which can be used
    to develop your own applications.  Also the CD contains thousands of
    pages of documentation with a search facility.

Q5. How would you compare The Developer Connection for OS/2 against the
    Microsoft Developer
    Network CD-ROM?
A5. The Developer Connection for OS/2 is a subscription program
    for application developers which includes CDs and newsletters
    delivered four times over one year, plus access to a private
    section of the OS2DF2 CompuServe forum.
    The Developer Connection CD contains released versions of our
    developer toolkits, pre-release programs, a comprehensive
    technical library, sample source code which can be
    used by developers to write their own programs and demonstration
    versions of Independent Software Vendor programs.

Q6. What advantages do I get from the CompuServe forum for The Developer
    Connection for OS/2 that
    I didn't have before?
A6. Subscribing to The Developer Connection entitles you to access
    the private Developer Connection section of the OS2DS2 forum
    on CompuServe.  IBM developers will be answering questions and
    carrying on dialogs with subscribers on a full time basis and
    will respond to your comments/issues/questions on a timely basis.

Q7.  How many copies of The Developer Connection for OS/2 do I have to
     subscribe to for my
     company? I have 1xx programmers, do I have to buy one for each?
A7.  After your company has purchased its initial subscription to
     The Developer Connection, you may buy as many additional licenses
     ($75) as you want.  For each additional license you order, 4 times
     over the year you will receive the current newsletter and
     a Proof of Additional License certificate, which entitles you to
     make one additional copy of the contents of the current CD volume.
     Additional licenses work best for Local Area Network development
     environments.  (Example; If you have 10 developers on a LAN,
     you could by one regular license and 9 additional licenses.)

Q8. I've heard that the Developer Connection program will grow in the
    What do you mean by that?  What will I see over the next year?
A8. The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2,
    Developer Connection for AIX, and Developer Connection for
    Image Plus Visualinfo have already been announced.
    Future direction for The Developer Connection has not
    been announced, however we are considering expanding the Developer
    Connection family of products.

Q9. Does my license to use the release-level toolkits contained
    on The Developer Connection CD end if I do not renew my
    my subscription at the end of my annual membership?
A9. In general, the License Agreement to use the code on each volume of
    The Developer Connection is shipped with that volume and expires
    120 days after receipt of that volume or upon receipt of the next
    volume, which ever comes first.  However, your licenses to the
    following toolkits continue beyond expiration of your subscription:
    The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1, Multimedia Presentation Manager
    Toolkit/2 1.1, Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit, and The Developer's
    Toolkit for OS/2 Warp Version 3. As long as you adhere to all other
    terms and conditions of the Agreement, your license to the above
    mentioned toolkits does not terminate.
Q10. Is the Developer Connection program available outside the US?
A10. The Developer Connection for OS/2 program has been announced in the US,
     Canada, Europe,
     Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and the Asia / Pacific countries.
     It is currently available in all of these geographies.

Q11. How do I subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2?
A11. In the US, you can subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2
     by calling 1-800-6-DEVCON (1-800-633-8266), 303-330-7655(fax).
     In Canada, call 1-800-561-5293. 1-905-821-1187 (fax)
     In Brazil, call 0800-111205(phone), (011)886-3222(fax)
     In Mexico, call:
               627-2444 (within Mexico City)
               91-800 00639 (other locations in Mexico)
     To order in Europe, call IBM ISMS Direct Services in Denmark. Please
     ensure that you dial the international access code applicable to your
     country BEFORE dialing the appropriate phone number.  Operators speaking
     the following languages are available.
     Note that 45 is the country code for Denmark.

 Language  Dial code     Number
 --------  ----------  ---------
 Dutch:    Denmark=45  +48101400
 English:  Denmark=45  +48101500
 French:   Denmark=45  +48101200
 German:   Denmark=45  +48101000
 Italian:  Denmark=45  +48101600
 Spanish:  Denmark=45  +48101100
 Danish :  Denmark=45  +48101300
 Sweden :  Denmark=45  +48101150
 Norway :  Denmark=45  +48101250
 Finnish:  Denmark=45  +48101650

 TeleFax:  Denmark=45  +48142207
In Asia/Pacific, call:
Note that 61 is the country code for Australia.

Q12. The back of the newsletter says "For CompuServe
     membership information, call........  You will receive a special
     introductory membership for IBM customers".
     What does the special introductory offer include?
A12. The special introductory offer includes:
           - A brochure with an ID and password
           - 1 month of basic services for free
           - $15 of free extended services
           - free subscription to CompuServe magazine
     To obtain a CompuServe ID, or just to inquire about membership,
     call one of the following numbers depending on where you are
     located, ask for Representative 239:
        From the United Kingdom call 0800 289 378
        From Germany call 0130 37 32
        From other countries in Europe call (+44) (+272) 255 111
        From the US call 1-800-524-3388
        From elsewhere call 1-614-457-0802 (direct to the US)
  • Q13. If I have a CompuServe id, how do I gain access to the private Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 Forum?

A13. The Developer Connection section on the OS2DF2 forum

     is the way to obtain technical support and also
     to exchange messages, ideas, comments and concerns with The
     Developer Connection for OS/2 team and forum members.
     To obtain access to this private section,
     send an EMAIL note containing your Developer Connection
     subscription number to the Developer Connection
     Administrator at CompuServe user id 73423,2767. You
     will receive notification of access to the Developer Connection
     section within 2 business days. To access the forum,
     type GO OS2DF2 at the ] prompt, then select the
     Developer Connection section.
Q14. Is there any other electronic support for The Developer
     Connection for OS/2?
A14. Yes, IBM has established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS
     under TalkLink (TalkLink is a feature under the IBMLink
     Commercial Services).
     For more information, customers in the US may call 1-800-547-1283,
     customers outside of the US should contact their local IBM
     Marketing Representative.
     Support is also available thru the Internet by addressing your
     questions and comments to
* Q15. I have received a Promotional Copy of The Developer Connection    for

OS/2 CD, dated February 1995. I'm having some problems. How can I get some help?

* A15. There is a Question and Answer file addressing commonly asked

questions on CompuServe. It is located on OS/2 Developers 2 Forum (go OS2DF2), in library 17, IBM files. The file is called DPROMO.TXT, and is updated as necessary. This is the only help available for customers who are not current subscribers to The Developer Connection for OS/2.

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