Setup & Installation


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[1] DOS VDM: WordStar-for-DOS 7c ("WS") and Borland Quattro Pro ("QP")

[2] Code page 850 in arcaos51 and in Arcaos508 change?

[3] Is anyone interested in a guide for creating an OS/2 2.1 Installation CD-ROM?

[4] sigh....Python3 upgrade - curl problem?

[5] AOS 5.1 and Windows 7 EFI and legacy - how to dual boot

[6] PCem, 86Box etc - other Virtualisations that can start OS/2 as a Guest

[7] ArcaOS Sluggishness

[8] Booting eCS and MCP under UEFI

[9] UEFI: Dual Boot - Windows 11 and ArcaOS 5.1


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