OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - General > Marketplace
eComStation 1.01 and 1.1 German for sale
Hi there,
I just found three eComStation packages I would like to offer for sale:
- eComStation 1.01 German w/ Application Pack (Lotus Smartsuite, HOBLink X11 etc.), 3 CDs
- eComStation 1.01 German w/o Application Pack, 2 CDs
- eComStation 1.1 Entry German w/ Application Pack, 3 CDs
These include:
- Installation Media
- Manual
- License
The package will be shipped from Germany. Payment is possible via money transfer or PayPal (outside Europe).
If you are interested, please make an offer for the item in question.
eCS 1.1 and 1.01 w/ Application Pack are sold.
eCS 1.01 w/o Application Pack is still available. 35 Euro plus p&p.
Tuure Linden:
Is eCS 1.01 still available? If its German language version I might be interested in it.
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