I have a question regarding the boot process of OS/2 (MCP), that rised while Building my DVD including the QSINIT Loader:
What I am doing is:
I am building an updated OS/2 DVD using the Program UPDCD and therein using as boot method "No emulation boot".
What I did:
I added os2ldr (qsinit), os2ldr.ini and qsinit.ldi to the bootdisk.pf that is used for no emulation boot. That works perfect so far, when the DVD boots it directly shows me the bootmenue I configured in os2ldr.ini. I can use all the functionalety from QSINIT (like the shell, the Menue and so on). I also modified the config.sys in bootdisk.pf that it can boot from USB connected devices and supports the OS2AHCI driver.
The no emulation boot installs a drive Z:
I do not use a qssetup.cmd
The config.sys includes a RESERVEDRIVELETTER=W that comes from UPDCD to have the drive letter X: as the installation drive of the DVD
Once I proceed, the installation program of OS/2 is starting, just as I wanted it to do. I can go through and install OS/2 on hardware, that has a build in DVD (IDE/SATA) drive. The boot process of the second stage of installation starts the QSINIT Menue as well, as well when the installation is finished. So for that case - having an internal DVD - everything works really well! The same goes with Installation inside VirtualBox. ;


- this is not working on USB connected or AHCI enabled drives. The problem is, that during the second stage of installation (so the first time booting from HDD) it seems that the modifications I made for the config.sys in bootdisk.pf are not present any more. The second stage shows me the qsinit boot menue as well, and once I proceed it hangs with either "Insert OS/2 CD ROM" for USB Devices/AHCI or it hangs it a driver like I2O.... for AHCI during the boot.
I figured out, that for some reason, the config.sys that is used for this second stage is not the one that I modified and included in bootdisk.pf. Therefore there is no more usb support nor os2ahci support anymore included, it is the "standard config.sys" from MCP2. Therefore the Installation with "Internal compatibel mode DVD" and "Virtualbox" works fine, as both just need danis506.add during second boot, that is inlcuded in the used "Standard Config.sys".
I than tried to answer one question by myself: wich config.sys is OS/2 using when starting for the first time from HDD when starting the second installation phase? I tried and replaced the config.sys in \OS2IMAGE\Disk_1 on the DVD and included it in the BUNDLE of \OS2IMAGE\DISK_1 - but nothing changed. The same goes with config.x in Disk_0 and Disk_1 and config.add (what I assume adds during Installation some additional lines only used for Installation) - makes no difference.
Do someone have a clue where I can find the config.sys that is used for this second stage of Installation in the file structure of OS/2 CD/DVD or is it created during Installation Phase 1? If it is create - wich config file is used as a template for this?
Thank you very much in advance!