Hi All
With my Canon wireless printer awaiting a new print head I have had to resort to attaching an Epson rx585 usb connected printer for the moment.
Sounds OK - except for the fact that cups cannot "see" the printer so I cannot set it up.
I opened a cmd window and tried running \cups\lib\cups\backend\usb.exe. Result:-
That seems to prove that cups cannot "see" the usb connected printer.
I believe I have all necessary files in place - cups works as well as it can with my wireless printer.
I added libusb10.dll - on the libpath - to my system before trying to setup the usb connected printer.
I do note that there seems to be a specific build of usbcalls.dll on the ecups wiki HowTo page that is older than the currently installed build which comes from the Arca noae usb driver update package USB-11.14.exe
I installed the older usbcalls.dll and usbresmg.sys pair of files from that package and see this result:-
DEBUG: Loading USB quirks from "/cups/share/cups/usb".
DEBUG: Loaded 114 quirks.
DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=3
DEBUG2: Printer found with device ID: MFG:EPSON;CMD:ESCPL2,BDC,D4,D4PX,ESCPR1;MD
L:Stylus Photo RX585;CLS:PRINTER;DES:EPSON Stylus Photo RX585; Device URI: usb:/
direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20RX585?serial=4C3539303147044D3D&interface=1
"EPSON Stylus Photo RX585" "EPSON Stylus Photo RX585" "MFG:EPSON;CMD:ESCPL2,BDC,
D4,D4PX,ESCPR1;MDL:Stylus Photo RX585;CLS:PRINTER;DES:EPSON Stylus Photo RX585;"
Looks like there is a problem with current usbcalls.dll/usbresmg.sys releases and cups interoperability as the older pair produce the above output which looks like it could be right.
I retried the cups admin interface "Add Printer" and the Epson is identified immediately now.
Sadly printing a test page fails.
Job 1 has the usual "not a PDF file" error and gets Cancelled.
Job 2 fails with "Unable to send data to printer".
Looks like something else is screwed up... but I have no idea what.
Job 2 seems to end with these comments in the log:-
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] [Job 2] Printing page 1, 99%
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] [Job 2] ATTR: job-media-progress=99
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] [Job 2] Finished page 1...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] [Job 2] Gutenprint: Purging 1 row
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] [Job 2] Gutenprint: ================ Done printing page 1 ================
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] [Job 2] Processing page 2...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:21 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Rendering completed
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Gutenprint: Ending job
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] cupsdDoSelect: select() returned -1, errno = 4... pause and retry select()
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Gutenprint: stats 1026117B, 11.840u, 0.000s, 11.830el
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Gutenprint: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Gutenprint: ============================================================
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] PID 500 (/cups/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster.exe) exited with no errors.
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] PID 502 (/cups/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2.exe) exited with no errors.
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Backend returned status 1 (failed)
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] Discarding unused job-state-changed event...
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:22 +0000] [Job 2] Printer stopped due to backend errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
Looking above/before those comments I see the following which looks suspiciously like the problem:-
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Printing page 1, 10%
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 10%", current level=INFO
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] ATTR: job-media-progress=10
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Read 5944 bytes of print data...
E [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Unable to send data to printer.
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-)
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Set job-printer-state-message to "Unable to send data to printer.", current level=ERROR
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] libusb write operation returned fffffffc.
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Sent 0 bytes...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Waiting for read thread to exit...
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] cupsdDoSelect: select() returned -1, errno = 4... pause and retry select()
D [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] PID 504 (/cups/lib/cups/backend/usb.exe) stopped with status 1.
I [04/Dec/2016:17:41:13 +0000] [Job 2] Printing page 1, 11%
Any ideas on cause and resolution of problem anyone?
Is anyone else seeing problems with cups and usb after applying the Arca Noae USB-11.14 update?