Author Topic: What is needed for Javascript apps??  (Read 5931 times)

Martin Iturbide

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What is needed for Javascript apps??
« on: May 15, 2017, 05:15:25 pm »

Like always I don't know much about this subject and that is why I'm asking.
What is needed to have javascript applications running under OS/2 as compiled applications?

I noticed that now it is very common for developers to quickly create multiplatform javascript applications that runs on web, iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows and Linux, and those are very small team of people, so I'm guessing that the magic happens on the framework.

Is it the trick to have node.js ported to OS/2-eCS-ArcaOS ?

For example I was checking Riot IM (Chat tool). It runs on several platforms and also on OS/2's Firefox (with videoconference and audio limitations). Riot seems to use node library (node.js), libEGL -  LIBGLES(Mesa EGL) and ffmpeg.

What about the javascript implementation that is on Firefox for OS/2? can something of that be reused to be able to run the apps directly on the OS with the browser?

I also looked arround to see any "Node.js over Qt" implementation, I found some projects, but nothing that I can notice for sure that it is working. Any comments or experience on that idea?

Martin Iturbide
OS2World NewsMaster
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Re: What is needed for Javascript apps??
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2017, 06:06:16 pm »
What is needed to have javascript applications running under OS/2 as compiled applications?

What about the javascript implementation that is on Firefox for OS/2?

I guess using Firefox to execute Java code would be a stupid and selfish solution. OS/2 is a 80386 OS. eCS 1.x is a Pentium 4 UNI OS.

Soon Firefox "for OS/2" will require a CPU which is aware of cores, so using Firefox to execute Java code is yet another great way to reduce the size of the community significantly, because it will only please the happy few. Users of ArcaOS EN or eCS 2.x DE/EN only. In a way "Firefox for OS/2" already is a misleading name, because of the requirements of (requirements of) FF: FF + OS/2 = missing DLLs, and FF + 80386 = assumed failure.

Dave Yeo

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Re: What is needed for Javascript apps??
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2017, 06:11:27 pm »
As far as I know, we're limited to Mozilla's JavaScript engine, at least for advanced JavaScript. Node.js is based on Chrome and porting it would probably involve porting the whole browser, especially for graphical applications, a job that I don't see happening.
Building Mozilla does produce a 57 MB js.exe (45ESR) which seems to be a textmode JavaScript shell. I uploaded an older version to Hobbes IIRC