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What about the EDM/2 Wiki? - Help !!


Martin Iturbide:
Intro: The EDM/2 wiki is the source for OS/2 and eComStation developers.  (http://www.edm2.com/)

I wanted to take a little while to share my thoughts about EDM/2. For the last year I had been updating it and getting authorization from the authors to move more content into it (and allow derivative works too).

I still have some pending tasks on the site (like finishing posting some books) and some specific articles I keep finding around. But I'm starting to see that I have  (or don't know) no more sources of what I can include there, so it feels like now I'm starting to squeeze the rock :)

So it seems that I'm going to move to other part of the EDM/2 Wiki that I think we need to improve. That is the "The OS/2 API project", which tries to be an open documentation source of the OS/2-eCS components.  Since I want to align this with "the dream", I will start trying to document as much of Workplace Shell (WPS) as possible.

HELP: I need to help on the following:

1) Let me know what the EDM/2 is missing. I can link it or/and request the author permission to be republished on the wiki.

2) You can also help me with the Wiki. Ask for an account to Adrian (netlabs) (ktk@netlabs.org) and help me organizing whatever you see wrong on this pages.

3) Any other idea is welcome with the objective to have more open resources for OS2-eCS developers on the EDM/2.

4) I need support/suggestions/recommendations from WPS experts or anybody that knows it better than me. I do not have deep technical knowledge about WPS and I need suggestion to improve the documentation.

It does not matter if you have one hour at saturday, or only 15 minutes. You can help on the wiki with little time that you have.


Martin Iturbide:
I'm also trying to find a backup of the OS/2 compuserve forums:



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