Author Topic: Warpstock Europe 2017  (Read 5493 times)


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Warpstock Europe 2017
« on: March 10, 2017, 08:24:42 pm »
++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++


This year the OS/2 VOICE foundation will be hosting the European conference about OS/2: Warpstock Europe 2017 in the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands in the central library on Saturday the 20 and 21 of May 2017. Please see for details! 

We are working hard to put the schedule online, expect that within the next few days! But you can already find the information how to get to Rotterdam and where to stay on the website. Also hotels that are close by. Most hotels are within walking distance of the main library. Rotterdam central station are just around the corner and Rotterdam Blaak train station is underneath the main library! 

Access for 1 day is 25 Dollars for 1 day. You can buy access for Warpstock Europe via the Arca Noae website (See www.warpstock) for details. The organization team would very much like if you pay your access in advanced via the Arca Noae website with your creditcard or via paypal! At the requests of Arca Noae please do not send checks from Europe! They are extremely expensive to process! 

There will also be a social event on Friday evening at 19:00 which is organized by my personally. Everybody is welcome to join the tram trip of 1 1/2 hours. The tram will leave at 19:00 at tramstop Blaak just 1 minute walk from the main library. If you do want to join the tram trip buy with your Warpstock Europe access a ticket with the tram for 0 Dollar. For coffee and tea in the tram, please book in advanced!!! 

When on the tram you will be required to pay me Euro 7.50. Note the rent of the tram costs 600 Euro! I will partly pay this myself and we have been sponsored by Daniel Caroll from the US!! 

Some of the things you can expect at Warpstock Europe 2017: 

* The latest news from BWW regarding its software development. 

* The latest news from Arca Noae regarding its brand new OS/2 distribution called ArcaOS. 

* We will also have an OS/2 quiz to test your knowledge on OS/2 its history, technical details etc. This quiz will most likely also be accessible via the internet! 

More details to follow on the program! 

We hope to see you in Rotterdam. 

Best regards, 

Roderick Klein
President OS/2