Unzipped firefox into a new directory, downloaded all the listed RPMs (and as zips) and added the DLLs to the DLL directory. Tried to start firefox and it popped up a note that a DLL was missing - that DLL was NOT in the listed requirements. I then went digging and finally found it and added it to the DLL directory. Tried to start firefox again and get a message about another missing DLL that is not in the listed requirements.
What is going on with these ports and why won't they provide a zip file with all the required DLLs?
The only version of firefox that just works is the one that Dave produced.
Unluckily, Bitwise no longer supports using zips to install the prerequisites for Firefox. Too hard?
I guess you can look in the rpms for their dependencies.
Unluckily it has become hard for me to produce a Firefox without most of these dependencies though I don't see any point in making hunspell a dependency, probably less language dictionaries available, not sure if personal dictionaries (right click and add to dictionary) survive the update.