Author Topic: Why is my Task-List window auto-showing after end of cmd.exe?  (Read 7165 times)

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Why is my Task-List window auto-showing after end of cmd.exe?
« on: November 01, 2017, 06:44:17 pm »
So I figured I would setup a quick program object to initiate the 'which.exe' utility (allows you to search for an object across multiple system paths, etc - sort of an all purpose version of whichdll.exe), that I would place in my WarpCenter tray for easy access.

I defined the object as follows:

2) PARAMETERS = /C "G:\UTIL\MISC\LOCATE.EXE -labdsu [Object Name to Check] "%*""

Works fine, it accepts a wildcard object name parameter, the only problem is that when the program completes it immediately jumps to the OS/2 Task-List window...see attached screenshot...I have no idea why it does that...???

This is not the only objects that does this, other such cmd.exe windows do that as I'm guessing it's some sort of system-wide settings somewhere? For the life of me, I never remember coming across this before...


Andreas Schnellbacher

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Re: Why is my Task-List window auto-showing after end of cmd.exe?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2017, 07:31:20 pm »
That is not normal.

Can you reproduce it on another installation? If no: Check your WPS extensions. If yes: Exchange your mouse and/or mouse (USB) driver and/or try it on other hardware.

Additionally, I remember that the task list is opened when a message was sent to a window that can't receive them anymore. Anyway, that's the explanation I suppose whenever that happens, but it does quite rarely.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 08:17:26 pm by Andreas Schnellbacher »

Doug Bissett

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Re: Why is my Task-List window auto-showing after end of cmd.exe?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2017, 07:35:12 pm »
It probably has something to do with using the wrong which.exe. You should have one, and only one, which.exe, and that should be %unixroot%\usr\bin\which.exe. Others may conflict with that one. If you insist on using some other version, you likely need to use LIBPATHSTRICT with it.

Dave Yeo

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Re: Why is my Task-List window auto-showing after end of cmd.exe?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2017, 05:53:54 am »
It probably has something to do with using the wrong which.exe. You should have one, and only one, which.exe, and that should be %unixroot%\usr\bin\which.exe. Others may conflict with that one. If you insist on using some other version, you likely need to use LIBPATHSTRICT with it.

The RPM/YUM which is not very useful on OS/2. I prefer which is capable of
Code: [Select]
which (v2.1.5, 2016.02.04) for OS/2, from Newtware

Usage:  which.exe [options] [cmd ... ]

    (default behavior is to find location of program executed as "cmd")
    -1  show the first match from all cmd args; display nothing if not found
    -a  list all matches (With -1, list all first matches of cmd args)
    -b  search directories in BOOKSHELF for book (.inf and .pdf) files
    -d  search directories in DPATH for data files
    -e  search directories in a given env var; Example: -e EPMPATH
    -h  search directories in HELP for help (.hlp) files
    -l  search directories in LIBPATH (BEGIN/ENDLIBPATH) for DLLs, LIBs, As
    -i  search directories in C_INCLUDE_PATH for header (.h) files
    -q  quiet mode (only returns error code without onscreen messages)
    -s  show file date/time and size
    -u  revert to OS/2 style '\' dir separator (default is now Unix style '/')

   cmd  name to be searched (wildcards can be used)

Examples:  which.exe -las emx*
           which.exe -las foo*.bar  (override the default extension)

No need for LIBPATHSTRICT as it comes in a couple of versions, standalone, linked to EMX or bound in case you also want to use it in a DOS session. Should be a drop in replacement for the YUM/RPM one.