I got the SVN revision 4160 (assuming it's the most available up to date). I started off with a system that had the 14.104a_SMP debug kernel running (and therefore the SMP version of DOSCALL1.DLL installed) and also ACPI.PSD installed:
1) I copied OS4LOGO, OS4KRNL, OS4KRNLR, OS4KRNL.SYM, OS4KRNL.INI, OS2LDR, OS2LDR.INI to root directory
2) I copied CLOCK03B.SY? to \OS2\BOOT
3) I copied OS4APIC.PSD and OS4APIC.SYM to \OS2\BOOT
4) initially I did not copy DOSCALL1.DLL to \OS2\DLL but I tried later
5) I modified OS2LDR.INI (only the changed parts):
preload = 1
os2krnl = OS/2 debug,ALTF2
os4krnl = OS/4 debug using config.os4,LOGSIZE=4096,PRELOAD,CFGEXT=OS4,ALTF2,CTRLC
os4krnlr = OS/4 retail using config.os4,LOGSIZE=4096,PRELOAD,CFGEXT=OS4,ALTF2
6) in root dir I created a CONFIG.OS4, I removed all of ACPI.PSD, added OS4APIC.PSD /APIC, removed TIMER01.SYS, added BASEDEV=CLOCK03B.SYS
The result was an IPE for os4krnl as well as os4krnlr and a hang for os2krnl. It was the very same after I also replaced DOSCALL1.DLL with the one from the OS4 zip file.
What am I doing wrong ? I took a dump when the IPE for the os4krnlr happened (I have TRAPDUMP=R0,X: set in config.sys or config.os4, however this did not work for the os4krnl) but PMDF will not even let me read the created dump. Looks like PMDF cannot find a proper kernel revision string in the dump, after looking into the dump I identified it to be 15.1_SMP.4160 but I am not sure about that either.
Not being able to read a dump file is a severe limitation for me, I use this system as a MUT for device driver debugging.
By the way, does the debug kernel (os4krnl) support:
1) the full KDB command set ?
2) also work with UDP instead of serial interface ?