Pentium 4, identical setup: no such problem. Today FF 45.9.0-2 produced the Pentium III TRP file, instead of PM DLL. LGPLLIBS.DLL was the DLL file I (/ PM DLL's TRP file) was refering too earlier, besides NSPR4.DLL.
Illegal instruction MOVQ (FF):
Exception Report - created 2017/11/15 14:08:38
OS2/eCS Version: 2.45
# of Processors: 1
Physical Memory: 1023 mb
Virt Addr Limit: 2048 mb
Exceptq Version: 7.11.4-shl (Mar 6 2017)
Exception C000001C - Illegal Instruction
Process: C:\TCPIP\FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE (10/05/2017 02:41:08 61,253)
PID: 58 (88)
TID: 01 (1)
Priority: 200
Filename: C:\TCPIP\FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE (10/05/2017 02:41:08 61,253)
Address: 005B:00011514 (0001:00001514)
Failing Instruction
00011502 CMP BYTE [0x302c0], 0x0 (803d c0020300 00)
00011509 JZ 0x1153b (74 30)
0001150B MOV EAX, [0x30280] (a1 80020300)
00011510 MOVD XMM0, EAX (660f6ec0)
00011514 >MOVQ QWORD [ESP+0x18], XMM0 (660fd64424 18)
0001151A FILD QWORD [ESP+0x18] (df6c24 18)
0001151E FST QWORD [0x30270] (dd15 70020300)
00011524 FDIV DWORD [0x1163c] (d835 3c160100)
EAX : 0001234C EBX : 000301A4 ECX : 2003A0E0 EDX : 2003A0EC
ESI : 0013FFA4 EDI : 0013FF64
ESP : 0013FE80 EBP : 0013FED8 EIP : 00011514 EFLG : 00012202
EAX : read/exec memory at 0001:0000234C in FIREFOX
EBX : read/write memory at 0002:000001A4 in FIREFOX
ECX : read/write memory allocated by LIBC066
EDX : read/write memory allocated by LIBC066
ESI : read/write memory on this thread's stack
EDI : read/write memory on this thread's stack