When I look at Linux I see Linus Torvalds, who is by all accounts a vile, crass, mean, spiteful, insulting, profane individual who thinks nothing of giving people the finger on camera, or using all manner of profane words to yell at people online. And when I look at GNU I see Richard Stallman, who is by all accounts, a complete pervert who believes that pedophilia and necrophilia should be legalized, among many other odd things.
I don't really think it's about a matter of emotion. Alan Cox has explained many times how Linus' responses are justified.... it's Linus' job to get the point across. Sometimes you can't reason with people, so he has to wake them up and explain the situation in a more brash way.
People are valuable. Special. Worth investing the time of an explanation, rather than just a response. There's no justification for being harshly insulting, vulgar, obscene, etc.
Alan Cox is simply wrong in that regard, and so is Linus. Alan is essentially an enabler for bad behavior.
With a negative attitude like that towards everything, you're just going to shoot yourself in the foot as it's going to take an insane amount of time to code everything from scratch for one person (would 20 years be a gentle assumption?) That's why few projects build everything from scratch when there's already Linux.
I don't view it as negative, but necessary. We must be lifted out of the muck of sin and sin's impact upon this world. We must make conscious, purposeful choices to reject things that stem from our sin condition, and seek after that which does not have sin. Only then are we able to proceed correctly, seeking no longer to satiate or serve our sin-tendancies (profanity, yelling, and doing sinful things), and instead we consciously place emphasis on not being that way, but instead looking up to the Lord, looking within to gain an understanding, and then walking forward and teaching others that our limits as men and women (in and of sin) can be overcome, but not just by us alone, but in looking up first, because then He/His teachings move to the front to naturally guide us in a new way.
I do not want to work on this project alone. I'm 48 years old. All things being equal people in my family live into their mid-70s. That gives me 22+ years left to do what I want to change, affect, and impact this world. I have an interest in OS development, so I apply it where I can, building a foundation on the Lord, and moving up from there so all will be solid, and have right goals and intents.
My hope is others will see the progress being made, and come forward to give the best of what they have to the Lord, through not only this project, but also the other things in their lives.
Bottom line: I care about you. I care about people. That caring comes from the inside and the caring the Lord first had for each of you, and has given me. It is real, deep, and guides me to invest so much labor into this project. I want you to have a full open source Public Domain license operating system so you can use it, or use its dedign or code as a base for doing more.
I want to empower you to be un-debted owners free and clear of entanglements, and not renters. I want to help you with real growth and prosperity to achieve all your life goals.