I played a lot with IconEditor. With the right template you can go up to 256x256 icons. You can save them too, you can use them too, but OS/2 or eCS will downsize it to 40x40. So what's the point? Always work in 24 bit, even if its much less. Has to do with colors which are not in the palette and I refuse to make separate palettes for each icon. Usually it will take less then five minutes to make an icon with 16x16, 20x20, 32x32 and 40x40. You have to remember that in the editor things show ugly and rough, but as soon as it is started as an icon at the right size it looks rather smooth. I never got 2.0 working, somewhere in the editor its disabled. I'm working mostly with PMView and IconEditor, when it totally sucks I try Embellish > PMView > IconEditor. Key to good icons is go first to a square with sizes which can be divided to the right size. Example 256 > 128 > 64 >32 > 16 and 320> 160> 80> 40> 20. You can start bigger. If it isn't these value's or bigger, first make it so in the highest resolution because you won't see the loss in the smaller one's. If you don't start with these sequence, its not necessary to start with 320, 256 or less, you will end up in the icon size with losses which will give rough edges or can damage the appealing factor. Mind that small things are not noticeable, so your icon must consist of simple things which are also recognizable when its 20x20 or 16x16.