Ian you are a native English speaker I think. Did you understand what Andre is talking here? Do you know what the problem is? Do you understand what he means with f.i. all OS/2 WPA2 DHCP clients?
I does actually stir a distant memory of something not closing down properly with an earlier wpa_supplicant version, so I've run with that. WPA2 I assume means that André is using the supplicant, which comes with the DHCP version from
https://www.isc.org/ so I simply make another assumption unless someone wants to correct me

One last question, do you really think Andre is human? For me this thread is another proof for sort of AI attack to this forum. Looking at his stats page he seem to have no regular sleeping time too. Although no proof but another sign.
What is human? Sorry, I'm doing Neuroscience and psychology at present at UWA, and that has led to some interesting discussions as to what and when we decide that Artificial Intelligent has really arrived in our little world

I consider spending some time in filling other buzz words here in this thread to see what triggers even more crazy reactions.
Please do, it may provide some interesting information to fill in the gaps. André also uploads a reasonable amount of software corrections and programs to hobbes as well. I'll leave it up to him if he wish's to let others know the name he uses there.
And bang, there is another lot of CD's archived -