OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
Apache OpenOffice 4.0
Neil Waldhauer:
First, thanks to Yuri Dario for his work!!!
When I prepare to run OpenOffice, I use RPM to update as in the readme.
yum install libc gcc-4.4.4 gcc-4.4.6 openssl curl libjpeg libxslt libicu zlib libxml2 stdcpp mmap pthread urpo gcc-stdc++-shared-library
Transaction Check Error:
file /@unixroot/usr/lib/gcc335.dll from install of libc-devel-0.6.5-17.oc00.i3
86 conflicts with file from package libgcc335-3.3.5-6.oc00.i386
I tried to start OpenOffice by going to the openoffice program directory and executing swriter.exe, and I get
Unable to start Apache OpenOffice!
return code: 2
Failing module: ICUUC42
Martin Iturbide:
Hi Neils
Try the RPM
yum install openssl curl libjpeg libxslt libicu zlib libxml2 stdcpp mmap pthread urpo gcc-stdc++-shared-library
then try
yum install libc
I got some problems installing GCC with YUM, I thought it was only my specific problem, so I skipped that install. But once I installed the rest of components OpenOffice worked fine here.
Neil Waldhauer:
Awesome, it works here! I had to try things, though.
When using the database wizard, I get a JRE Required dialog box. (OpenOffice requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this task. Please install a JRE and restart OpenOffice.)
Did I forget to configure something?
Andi B.:
You've configured Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Java - path to your Java installation?
First OO4.0 I used has problems with Jave when OO was installed in a directory which contains blanks. So had to change 'Open Office 4.0' to 'OpenOffice4.0'. But most probably this is fixed in current versions.
David McKenna:
I made the mistake of opening 'Tools'->'Media Player' and now the media player will not close. This means that I can not close OpenOffice as long as the media player is open so I have to kill it every time. Next time I start it, the media player is also opened (in any module). Anyone know of a way to start without the media player? Maybe I'll just delete and re-install...
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