OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications

Apache OpenOffice 4.0

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Neil Waldhauer:

--- Quote from: Andi B. on July 15, 2013, 01:01:24 pm ---You've configured Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Java - path to your Java installation?

First OO4.0 I used has problems with Jave when OO was installed in a directory which contains blanks. So had to change 'Open Office 4.0' to 'OpenOffice4.0'. But most probably this is fixed in current versions.

--- End quote ---

What would you fill in for Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Java? I tried java600, java600\jre, java600\jre\bin, java600\jre\bin\client, but none are recognized.


Andy Willis:
@David, I ended up deleting the OpenOffice directory that is at the level of program (I am surprised it is not under Home).
@Neil, not sure why you are not seeing it work, if I put Java160 in the path it finds it on its own... otherwise I was able to use the Add and find it.  I did rename my Java11 directory as it was sometimes being found and would then crash. 

David McKenna:

  After much screwing around I found that deleting the file: \OpenOffice4\OpenOffice\4\user\registrymodifications.xcu cures the problem. You have to enter personal info again next time it is started though...

Hi All

Nice to see other people have got OO4 running. Shame it does not happen here, all I get is the splash screen followed by this message:-

OpenOffice 4.0.0 - Fatal Error

The application cannot be started.
exception occured raising singleton
loading component library failed:

If anyone has any ideas to resolve the above problem I'm interested   :-)



David McKenna:

  In your situation, the first thing I would do is look for duplicate files on my system that may interfere with AOO. In case you don't already know, go to 'Local System'->'System Setup'->'OS/2 Kernel', then choose the 'System Paths' tab. Choose the path to check, then hit the 'Duplicates' button and you will get a list of duplicate files in the path chosen. Scrutinize those and see if maybe the 'wrong' one is earlier in the path. Temporarily rename any suspicious ones and see if it helps.

  Another thing to look for... do you have any other versions of OpenOffice on your system (including Star Office)? Maybe there is a signal getting crossed from one of them (registry entry, path entry, ini file entry, or start folder program)?

  Your error message is odd... it implies there is a 'program' directory under /OpenOffice4/Program somewhere. I don't see that here... maybe you set that up yourself? How did you install AOO?


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