The app SYSEDOS2_12.ZIP crashes, because an OS2.INI file entry is (possibly intentionally) missing.
I'll attach a different SYSEDOS2.EXE which uses OS/2 to try to find Win-OS/2, instead of using Win-OS/2 to find OS/2. I cannot reproduce the old *.EXE easily and it's a quick & dirty fix, so it'll be safer to edit OS2.INI. Application PM_INSTALL, (new) key WINOS2_LOCATION. The attached EXE uses the value of SET WIN3DIR in x:\AUTOEXEC.BAT. Append one extra character to this value.
Or, in case this simple app crashes with an error related to Win-OS/2 INI files: try to use the Rexx code below, without checks and without deleting the new OS2.INI file setting afterwards:
CALL RxFuncAdd 'SysBootDrive','RexxUtil','SysBootDrive'
CALL RxFuncAdd 'SysIni','RexxUtil','SysIni'
DO WHILE Lines(source)>0
IF Left(line,12)='SET WIN3DIR=' THEN DO
PARSE VAR line 1 . 13 winos2 .
IF winos2<>'' THEN CALL SysIni 'USER','PM_INSTALL','WINOS2_LOCATION',Strip(winos2)||D2C(0)
CALL LineOut source
Please note I didn't check if OS/2 ever used to save the location of Win-OS/2 in OS2.INI. This is just a way to rescue an app, and of course you can delete the OS2.INI file setting (or restore an OS2.INI file) when done.