2Sergey Posokhov: Hmm, where did you took this from? Man tries to write some funny things for fun, and wrote about that in his blog. A masterpiece? Do you mean resume? I don't think he will write about that in his resume. He seems to be experient in game development, mostly based on SDL. So, he took yet another toy project just for fun, just like any retro game simulator. He achieved a good progress with it. He has some good progress, compared to osFree. But looking at his sources at a glance, I now see that he did not advanced significantly, compared to osFree. He has a number of DOSCALLS functions implemented. Some of them are missing in osFree, but some functions we implemented are missing in 2ine. Implemented TCPIP32 API's are just small wrappers around Linux socket functions. VIOCALLS are simply implemented based on NCURSES, so no proper VIO lattice is implemented, yet. PMWIN functions include almost the same set as implemented by FreePM. FreePM has only WinBeginPaint and WinEndPaint missing. Drawing is implemented directly via SDL. No GPI is implemented, yet. Also, on FreePM only a message loop is working, but it does not draw anything on screen. 2ine draws a rectangle on screen, instead of a window. The same simpliest application, creating HAB, message queue, a window and running a message loop. DosExecPgm is implemented via fork(). So, these are only simpliest API's implemented, to almost the same degree as on osFree. The only significant advancement is thunking and 16-bit API wrappers. Also, he successfully runs EMX runtime, and even EMX GCC. osFree can't do that, because we still have no 16-bit functions implemented. But looking how it's implemented in 2ine, we could try implementing the them similar way on L4. Some ideas are very useful to get from 2ine sources. So, ATM these sources can't be directly reused by project like osFree. It directly uses some system functions, and required abstraction layers are missing yet. We hope that it will change in the future. Also, looking at last paragraph of his blog post, I see that he paused the work for another project. It looks like implementing PM API is too complex task for quick progress. But I hope that he will continue the development, so maybe the project will advance much further, who knows. I hope him good luck.
PS: His LX loader looks much cleaner that our LX loader written by Viking. Maybe, we can use it, instead of Viking's one.