Yea, Bitbucket seems a write off now. Did you have any problems doing your account?
I screwed up my original account, enabled 2 factor using my phone to get a number, then the phone died and I hadn't backed up the security code so that account is dead. Seems, according Sourceforge support there is no way to recover.
Trying to create a new account today, needed a different email as they wouldn't let me use my regular Gmail one as my other account uses it.
After finally creating an account, figured I'd start out by transferring cc-os2, got a popup about phone verification needed, didn't correctly display in our old browser. Used the SimpleBrowser to do it, entered my phone number and waited for the SMS pin, never showed up, wouldn't let me do anything while waiting.
Created a repository at Github and imported it. Tried to do a git push to Github, doesn't accept passwords over HTTPS anymore, figured out the one time password thing, still didn't work. Back to Sourceforge which did allow me to import the repository from Github and upload a build of Thunderbird, trying to push my latest commits fails with "fatal: repository not found"
Getting to old to fight with this crap, even though Sourceforge probably just needs time to finish enabling pushing.