Hi Martin. We don't seem to have any SVG support. I ported Potrace,
http://potrace.sourceforge.net/ and played a bit.
Problems include no colour support but according to the web site, can layer. These PNG's don't translate to well to BMP or PBM due to having OBJECTS and/or LAYERS.
I used Embellish to convert the PNG's, some to PBM some to BMP, which I ran through mkbitmap to convert to PBM, test3 I also converted to greyscale.
The potential is there, need to play a bit. For help, run the help output through less as there is a line ending issue, potrace --help | less
I'll probably upload the full program to Hobbes after more testing.
Edit, the SVG's don't seem to display here for some reason. I tested by drag'n'dropping them on the browser (SeaMonkey)