Just tried to run reformat.exe on my Asus laptop with eCS 2.2 and OS/4 kernel -- it starts. But on this machine (MCP2 with OS/4 kernel) it does not start, though I put ecolange.dll and ecomedia.dll in program dir. So, something is indeed missing in this system. But it works fine on the previous system.
PS: Now tried to run reformat.exe on this machine, and it starts here too. Weird, as previously, it did not started. (I put the required DLL's: ecolange.dll, ecomedia.dll and progress.dll in the same dir as the program)
PPS: BTW, this program is not really needed, because there is native FORMAT from fat32.ifs which allows to format to FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/exFAT file systems. Required flash media preparations can be done with DFSee, without the need to reformat media. You usually only need to add the LVM info, which can be done non-destructive, without the need to repartition and reformat.
PPPS: Tried to press the "Format" button, it says "Your eCo software subscription has expired"
)) Useless, indeed.