OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications

Java applications Jedit 5.1.0

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Martin Iturbide:
It was my fault posting this news. I was checking the updated Java apps for OS/2-eCS.

I tested Jedit 5.1.0,  the installer run fine and the application seemed to run fine with "java -jar jedit.jar".

But when trying to open a file I find out about the error.

I get an:

--- Quote ---The following I/O operation could not be completed:

Cannot list directory.

--- End quote ---

And I can not change the directory to open a file.

Here it is the command prompt

--- Quote ---[X:\PROGRAMS\JEDIT]java -jar jedit.jar
7:11:33 PM [main] [warning] jEdit: initPLAF failed to set required l&f
7:11:36 PM [main] [warning] jEdit: initPLAF failed to set required l&f
7:16:40 PM [jEdit Worker #1] [error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: X:\PROGRAMS\JED
7:16:40 PM [jEdit Worker #1] [error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Cannot list dir

--- End quote ---

Like Joop said, it seems that JEdit is getting crazy with OS/2-eCS paths.


Dave Yeo:
Has anyone tried to use slashes instead of backslashes? Or double backslashes?

Hi Dave

The slashes have nothing to do with the problem - at least from a user viewpoint. The visual file dialogs cannot access directories/files without mangling the contents.

To try to show this problem:-

I start jedit using this command

[J:\JAVA\JEDIT]java -jar jedit.jar

No problem starting jedit but I notice that at the top of the screen jedit shows

index.xhtml (J:\JAVA\JEDIT\J:\JAVA\JEDIT\J:\JAVA\OPENJDK6\BIN\I:\Users\peter\HOME\PeterWeb\)

I believe the above should show the file open and being worked on - it definitely should not look like the above.

Then I tried a File, Open. The File dialog opens and then immediately displays this message:-

I/O Error
The following I/O operation could not be completed:

Cannot list directory

I'm not surprised jedit cannot list the above directory as it does not exist - the above is a mangle of several directories which is a result of some poor coding by the jedit guys.

No, I doubt it is anything to do with slashes that a user can resolve.

Another thing I've noticed is that sometimes - not every time, about 1 in 5 - moving the jedit window causes java/jedit to crash:-

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x1cd01238, pid=95, tid=6225945
# JRE version: 6.0_27
# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (20.0-b12 mixed mode os2-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# V  [JVM+0x51238]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp

Whether the above is a result of our "odinized" java1.6 or more coding problems in jedit I do not know.



Ian B Manners:
Hi Pete,

I got the same error when I tried to open an Album with the latest JAlbum and OpenJDK 6, didn't bother looking further as I needed to remake an album so I deleted it and put my older JAlbum v8.1.6 back.

G. M. Anchieri:
The Jedit.cmd contain an error in this line:
if (pos(" JAVA VERSION ", sStr) > 0) | (pos("JAVA.EXE VERSION ", sStr) > 0) then
you have to substitued this line with this:
if (pos(" VERSION ", sStr) > 0) | (pos("JAVA.EXE VERSION ", sStr) > 0) then
and jedit start without problem, this is due to method used by openjdk to respond at java.exe -version command:


as you can view the response is OPENJDK VERSION but in  Windows we have JAVA VERSION
and jedit is basically a windows product


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