I love what ArcaOS has done so far...it doesn't take much observation of the test users email list to see the activity and the amount of testing that goes on.
Having said that, I do think there are some significant outstanding issues, some of these are not at all driver software related:
1) VIDEO - there seems to be a drive towards 'Panorama ONLY' world...I do not understand why, I think SNAP from architecture perspective is a lot more promising, yet there is the push is to deploy Panorama, even though that software clearly lacks some functionality, meanwhile logging tickets to deal with Panorama issues too often results in a 'accept the black box / you do not understand this and I do / or go away' type of a response...maybe it's just personalities involved, or something else, I haven't figured it out yet
2) USB - yeah, 3.0 is becoming more of a necessity as opposed to a 'nice to have'
3) RPM / YUM - I do honestly see the value in this approach, but we consistently encounter examples of where this has not been trully embraced, from my perspective, if we deem this to be the only 'way forward' let's get a consistent and structured approach to migrating as many of the software packages to that distribution platform and let's all chip-in to make that happen...and this 'chip-in' piece is where things lack...who knows of a well written OS/2 wiki that details how to package apps into RPM? I suspect we all could help out with this, yet no leadership exists today that has the responsibility of providing that oversight, direction and support...it basically comes down to: if you are lucky/smart/experienced enough to figure it out on your own, well, consider yourself lucky...I think we could do a lot better!!!