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Java applications

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Martin Iturbide:

--- Quote from: Neil Waldhauer on August 12, 2023, 03:41:28 pm ---I can make SmartCVS run, but it won't do anything without a license. It used to work. I think they must have changed things on the server.

--- Code: ---@echo off
rem OS/2 script for SmartCVS, requires JAVA installed

set JAVA_EXE=%1


--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Hi Neil
With your technique I confirm I can run SmarCVS with OpenJDK 1.6 (ArcaOS). Also, like you say, the free trial license server does not longer works so the only way to run it is having an old license file.

I think that with this I'm good with SmartCVS and SmartSVn that are archived in hobbes right now.


Martin Iturbide:

I want to test SmartGit. The last report I have is from SmartGit 3.0.4, but I can not find it.

I found 3.0.11 but I can not make it run - https://www.syntevo.com/downloads/smartgit/archive/smartgit-generic-3_0_11.tar.gz
I get an error:

mx512m -Dsmartgit.checkIncompatibleJava=false -jar ..\lib\smartgit.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

--- End quote ---
also a more basic call.

--- Quote ---C:\DESKTOP\smartgit\LIB]java -jar smartgit.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
[C:\DESKTOP\smartgit\LIB]java -jar smartgit.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

--- End quote ---

And reading a little further I tried.

--- Quote ---[C:\DESKTOP\smartgit\BIN]java -Xmx512m -Dsmartgit.checkIncompatibleJava=false Dm
ain-class=SmartGit -jar ..\lib\bootloader.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Dmain-class=SmartGit
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Dmain-class=SmartGit
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266)
Could not find the main class: Dmain-class=SmartGit. Program will exit.

--- End quote ---

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong? Or 3.0.11 is simple not going to work?


Gregg Young:
If I remember correctly 2.0.7 was the last SmartGit that worked with our java. Version 3 changed the front end that was used to one we don't have. Version 2.1.8 opens but I haven't been able to get passed the git version check. Our version is newer than the minimum required but the check still fails.

Dave Yeo:
I was running smartgit-2.8.1 using this cmd,

--- Code: ---set PATH=f:\openjdk6\bin;%PATH%
set BEGINLIBPATH=f:\openjdk6\bin
rem set JAVA_HOME=f:\openjdk6
java -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics -Xmx512m -Dsmartgit.checkIncompatibleJava=false -Dmain-class=SmartGit -jar f:\utils\smartgit-2_1_8\lib\smartgit.jar

--- End code ---

Git never worked for pushing and pulling, otherwise worked fine.
Today it silently exits, maybe memory or maybe due to having updated git

Martin Iturbide:

SmartGit 2.1.8 is working here under ArcaOS 5.0.8 and OpenJDK 1.6.
"Working" means for the moment that the Java application runs, I was able to select the free non-commercial license, selected the location of C:\usr\bin\git.exe, I skipped the github connection and I cloned a repository from Github.
I was not able to push back a change to github, maybe the security things on Github changed with time and something may be missing on this old SmartGit.

I upload to hobbes today: https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/incoming/SmartGit_2-1-8.zip



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