My usb_modeswitch.conf is:
# /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf
# Last modified: 2009-06-09
# Configuration for usb_modeswitch, a mode switching tool for controlling
# flip flop (multiple device) USB gear
# Main purpose is to trigger the switching of several known UMTS modems
# from storage device mode ("ZeroCD TM" for use with MS Windows) to modem
# (serial) device mode
# Detailed instructions and a friendly forum on the homepage:
# News update: you want to read the paragraph about troubleshooting there
# if you run into problems !!!
# Just set or remove the comment signs (# and
in order to activate
# your device. (Actual entries are further down, after the reference.)
# For custom settings:
# Numbers can be decimal or hexadecimal, MessageStrings MUST be
# hexadecimal without prepended "0x". Digits 9-16 in the known
# MessageStrings are arbitrary; I set them to "12345678"
# What it all means (short command line flags appended):
# * DefaultVendor -v <hex number>
# * DefaultProduct -p <hex number>
# This is the ID the USB device shows after having been plugged in.
# The program needs this; if not found -> no action.
# * TargetVendor -V <hex number>
# * TargetProduct -P <hex number>
# These are the IDs of the USB device after successful mode switching.
# They are optional, but I recommend to provide them for better analysis.
# You definitely need them if you enable CheckSuccess (see below)
# * TargetClass -C <hex number>
# Some weird devices don't change IDs. They only switch the device class.
# If the device has the target class -> no action (and vice versa)
# * MessageEndpoint -m <hex number>
# A kind of address inside the interface to which the "message"
# (the sequence that does the actual switching) is directed.
# Starting from version 0.9.7 the MessageEndpoint is autodetected
# if not given
# * MessageContent -M <hex string>
# A hex string containing the "message" sequence; it will be
# sent as a USB bulk transfer.
# * ResponseEndpoint -r <hex number>
# * NeedResponse <0/1> -n
# Some devices were reported to require receiving the response of the
# bulk transfer to do the switching properly. Usually not needed.
# Starting from version 1.0.0 the ResponseEndpoint is autodetected
# if not given
# * DetachStorageOnly <0/1> -d
# Some devices just need to be detached from the usb-storage
# driver to initiate the mode switching. Using this feature
# instead of removing the whole usbstorage module keeps other
# storage devices working.
# * HuaweiMode <0/1> -H
# Some Huawei devices can be switched by a special control
# message.
# * SierraMode <0/1> -S
# Some Sierra devices can be switched by a special control
# message.
# * SonyMode <0/1> -O
# Some Sony-Ericsson devices can be switched by a special control
# message. This is experimental and might not have a stable result
# * ResetUSB <0/1> -R
# Some devices need a rougher treatment. If the switching seems
# to do something (run udevmonitor), but your system does not reflect
# it, try this somewhat brutal method to do a reset after switching.
# Mind that if your device switched OK before, this will probably set
# it back to storage mode ...
# * Interface -i <hex number>
# * Configuration -u <hex number>
# * AltSetting -a <hex number>
# More USB parameter to help with tricky devices and for doing lots
# of cruel experiments ...
## Note:
## AltSetting/Configuration changes and ResetUSB are executed after all
## other steps and can be combined or used on their own (e.g. a reset
## might have the same effect as a manual replug)
# * InquireDevice <0|1> -I (disables inquiry)
# The standard since 1.0.0 is to do a SCSI inquiry on the default device
# before other actions. This might be a future way to identify a device
# without ambiguities. If it causes trouble with your device, just disable.
# * CheckSuccess -s <number>
# Check for successful switch after <number> seconds (to let device
# settle). First, an interface access test: most devices vanish after
# switching and can't be accessed anymore. Second, a recount of target
# devices: one more than at the first count -> device switched fine. A
# settling time of 2 - 3 seconds is usually enough; your setup may vary
# -> All other entries are just ignored <-
# Additional command line flags:
# Verbose output -W
# No output at all -q
# Other config file -c <file>
# For filling in all this information for an unknown device,
# see instructions and links on the homepage:
# If you find working codes and configurations, please contribute
# them!
# Huawei E376u-2
DefaultVendor= 0x12d1
DefaultProduct= 0x1446
#TargetVendor= 0x19d2
TargetVendor= 0x12d1
#TargetProduct= 0x1506
# only for reference
# Huawei E398
DefaultVendor= 0x12d1
DefaultProduct= 0x14fe
TargetVendor= 0x12d1
TargetProduct= 0x1506
# only for reference
It is stored in C:\etc and also in C:\MPTN\ETC, I think It sould be right.