Author Topic: Moylan ftp Connect to server failed ...  (Read 7050 times)


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Moylan ftp Connect to server failed ...
« on: August 12, 2018, 12:16:16 am »
Can someone please help me?
I am using an ancient version (1.27) of Moylan's FTP. on eCS version 2.0.
My global IP is 73.79.242.xx (didn't give the last number intentionally.  It is a Comcast number.
My netstat -a  showed until a week ago.
All of a sudden it now shows
I am using DHCP
I have run ftp-pmoylan\setup.exe and changed every parameter I could find from to
I use FTP to backup my customers data as follows:
  I connect to their network using Cisco AnyConnect
  I use Oracle VirtualBox to run eCS as a virtual.
  I back up their data to a drive (E: or F:)
  Then I go to a Command prompt on the above drive and type
  FTP 73.79.242.xx (actual number)
  It connects. I log in and enter password, then
  Send myBackupFileName
I have made no changes to either my system or theirs (other than the ftp-moylan ==> in setup.exe on my server)
All of a sudden it won't connect. I get message
"Connect to server failed, server may be down."

From their system, I can ping 73.79.242.xx
Tracerte 73.79.242.xx gives me reasonable-looking paths ending in a comcast location before * * *

FTPTRANS.LOG on my server shows an entry
  ****** Transaction logging started or restarted
               Server started

Then it just dies and above "Connect failed ..." message appears on their machine.
What am I doing wrong? What have I missed?
How can I make sure my server is running?
What is its address ( or something else?)

Andy Willis

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Re: Moylan ftp Connect to server failed ...
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 12:38:26 am »
It sounds like you need to update your router's port forwarding.
Right now iftp requests to the external IP forward to the old internal address is my guess.


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Re: Moylan ftp Connect to server failed ...
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 01:43:41 am »
Yes. Thank you.

I had thought that changing the addresses in ftp setup.exe was enough.

But changing the port forwarding address in the router's ftp service did the trick.
