Author Topic: Personal Tragedy  (Read 13202 times)


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Personal Tragedy
« on: November 11, 2018, 01:47:56 am »
On Friday, after an annual user conference for one of our company's applications, three co-workers were driving back to the office when a car in the oncoming lane crossed the center line and struck the vehicle head-on.  One person was killed on the scene due to injuries from her seatbelt.  One other was lifelined to a local hospital and remains in critical care with spine, neck, face, internal, and other injuries including two broken legs, and one broken arm.  The third passenger had lower spine, internal, and face trauma injuries.

In an instant, everything can change.  It gave me cause to reflect on the days or years of safe travels, the doldrums of uneventful lives, the safety and peace I've had without such personal tragedy.

Really eye opening.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2018, 01:25:45 pm »
I went to see them last night.

One is still in critical care with broken ankles, legs, one broken arm, spinal injuries, neck, kidney, other internal injuries.  The other is doing better. but has several surgeries in her future including facial reconstruction for a damaged eye socket. :-(

Given the head-on collision nature of the accident, they are both lucky to be alive.

Their names are Joy and Baylee.  Joy is in critical care.  And Jane was the one who died on the scene. :-(

It's really hit me hard.  Jane lost her mother not too long ago.  All three ladies were/are fun, likeable people, each as different as night and day.

Eugene Tucker

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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2018, 02:15:54 pm »
I will be praying for them. My daugther was in a terrible wreck over a year ago in Indy.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2018, 08:54:47 pm »
The one with broken ankles is out of surgery.  She may lose one foot.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2018, 11:59:58 am »
Our company will be having a full employee/staff meeting this morning, and is offering grief counseling to anyone who requests it.

This will be my last post about this tragedy.  It's such a great and sudden loss to our company.  One death, two employees' lives changed forever, not to mention their families, friends, co-workers, each impacted in countless ways. :-(

It really makes you realize just how thin the thread is.

These three women were driving down the road obeying all of the traffic laws, doing what they should be doing in traveling, and something outside of their control took charge of their lives and impacted them ... not only physically, but with a lasting touch that will endure for the rest of their and their families' lives.

My thoughts and prayers are with them, and I have offered to help them and their families in whatever way I can.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2018, 12:52:37 pm »
An update:  We had the funeral service.  It was overflowing.  Such a beloved person.

One of the two women has gone home and will soon start physical therapy for recovery.

The other one is still having surgeries, may lose her foot, and has many months still left in hospital, and will never be the same again.  Her husband is also not in good health and is unable to drive himself back and forth to the hospital.

Our company has come together and poured out love, affection, and help.  It's been a really heartwarming to see.

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2018, 05:18:04 am »

These types of situations can be (are) tough. A co-worker of mine, whom I knew for some years, committed suicide a few years back. Like you said, that stuff hits hard.

For what it's worth, and given the significance of this tragedy, stay positive because you never know how many people around you may be drawing their strength from seeing yours!

Take care.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2018, 02:03:23 pm »
Thank you, Dariusz.  One man at our work is sandwiched between three cubicles now empty from the accident.  A daily blow to be sure.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2019, 07:39:57 pm »
Be strong. Keep holding on to hope. Thanks for sharing this.


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Re: Personal Tragedy
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2019, 04:18:46 am »
Be strong. Keep holding on to hope. Thanks for sharing this.

Thank you.

The woman who was the worst injured of the two survivors was able to keep her foot.  She had the last of the pins in that foot removed today.  She has been able to stand and put weight on her feet, but isn't mobile yet.  She's also been able to return to eating solid foods, and has had her back and neck braces removed.

People from our office have been going to see her.  She's in good spirits, but has moments where she becomes very sad.  She's asked to "speak to a Chaplain" on the last visit.  Our work is trying to arrange somebody to go and see her.