OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications



I have installed what appears to the latest ver of cups.
Install seems to have installed ok (prints test page).
Installed print driver via cupswiz install seems to be ok
(prints doc).
Problem=  after printing the one page test page and after
printing a multiple page doc, tries to print a non existant page
example  1 page doc, processing page 2,  4 page doc, processing
page 5 as reported by localhost 631 printers. Locks cpu progress bar
at 99.9% and only a reboot will release.
I have never had 100% good printing from ecs and would
be grateful for any suggestions and help
regards  Phil  Ryan

What does the error log say on the cups admin page? Often this will provide a clue as to what is going wrong.

mickhead, thanks for your reply.  I need to add to my first post.
Everytime I install or reinstall cups, I get an internal 500 error
unsure how important this is.
I opened the error log (avery long file, mostly reduntant line)
and copied the last few lines.
Bad File number 1 on line 39!
E [17/Sep/2013:19:53:26 +0500] Unable to bind socket for address /cups/var/run/cups/cups.sock:0 - Operation now in progress.
E [17/Sep/2013:19:53:26 +0500] [Job 5] Aborting job because it has no files.
E [17/Sep/2013:20:00:26 +0500] Unable to bind socket for address /cups/var/run/cups/cups.sock:0 - Operation now in progress.
E [17/Sep/2013:20:14:19 +0500] [Job 6] No %%BoundingBox: comment in header!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:14:19 +0500] [Job 6] No %%Pages: comment in header!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] [Job 5] Files have gone away!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 5!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 6!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 7!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 8!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 9!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 10!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 11!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Missing <Job #> directive on line 12!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Bad File number 1 on line 21!
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] Unable to bind socket for address /cups/var/run/cups/cups.sock:0 - Operation now in progress.
E [17/Sep/2013:20:33:09 +0500] [Job 6] Aborting job because it has no files.
E [17/Sep/2013:22:57:09 +0500] Unable to bind socket for address /cups/var/run/cups/cups.sock:0 - Operation now in progress.
E [17/Sep/2013:23:17:23 +0500] Unable to bind socket for address /cups/var/run/cups/cups.sock:0 - Operation now in progress.
E [18/Sep/2013:07:25:54 +0500] Unable to bind socket for address /cups/var/run/cups/cups.sock:0 - Operation now in progress.
hope this sheds som light on problem

Hi Phil

The "internal 500 error" seems to crop up every now and again here. I think cups loses track of what cups administration page it is meant to be loading. Usually hitting the back button on the browser and retrying works.

Is your error log snippet from a debug log? - If not go to http://localhost:631/admin and uncheck all options under Server Settings *except* for Save debugging information for troubleshooting. The click Change Settings.

Hopefully a full debug log will shed a little light on the problems you are experiencing.



prtr, thsnkd for your reply, changed settings and will see what debug revels

regards  Phil


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