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ArcaOS - Retro Gaming Machine

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Martin Iturbide:
Thanks for the replies.

Sadly "/int10textgrfxsafe" on VSVGA.SYS does not solve the issue.
I even changed autoexec.bat as it says the Arca Noae page: https://www.arcanoae.com/wiki/arcaos/known-issues-commonly-reported/#doswin

but wait...

--- Quote ---Another option, when full screen sessions work but windowed ones do not, is to open a full screen session first, and then press Alt-Home to switch it to a windowed session (this only works for DOS sessions, not OS/2 full screen and windowed sessions).

--- End quote ---

This trick is working.

Martin Iturbide:

Is there a way to get DOS sound by using UniAud on ArcaOS?
For what I read on DTA, DOS sound blaster emulation is not enabled.


First of all, never run DOS or WIN3.1 full screen, it is possible, but your mouse won't work or in case of WIN3.1 only half screen. So always run in a windowed session. When you do that you have full control with your mouse.

When you go to DOS then you go to DOS, so you have to deal with what you see right know. You have to make an autoexec.bat and this file is in the root of you boot drive with OS/2 or ARCAOS.
It could contain this, but back in the DOS days they have written many books about the subject;
PROMPT $e[1;1H$e[31;46m Datum ──$g $d $e[30;40m $e[31;46m$e[1;26H Directory ──$g $p $e[25;1HOpdracht? ──$g$e[36;40m$e[0m

Behind the prompt you see lots of ansi commands. The question is in Dutch and is just the Dutch version of "Command". The other two are "Date" and "Directory". You need some set commands for pointing to the right directory. I forgot what's all about, that's the curse of OS/2. Do it once and never go back and it will run and run and run... My boot drive is H:. In drive D: I have DOS programs and is formatted as FAT. You can make a complete key driven menu with ansi if you want. Its faster than your mouse, but you need to write some batch files.
I don't run WIN3.1 as a standalone window. I have pictogram's all over in the drop down menu's between the OS/2 programs. Its working seamless, so once installing and tuning and never see it again. It is no problem to run more WIN3.1 programs concurrent in this way.

There is one problem with DOS programs and sometimes WIN3.1 programs. That is if those programs want the whole machine. This is not allowed in OS/2 as OS/2 is the captain of your ship so to say. Those programs can be run with DOSBOX, but in DOSBOX you will also have incompatabilities and you need to make a config.sys and an autoexec.bat. Said that, once done, it runs and runs and runs. My Psion 3a emulator runs in DOSBOX with the same speed as an Psion 3MX. Nice to know is that you can copy and past in DOS programs with OS/2, even if those programs doesn't know what this is.

Hope it helps.

Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Joop on February 04, 2019, 01:09:08 am ---First of all, never run DOS or WIN3.1 full screen, it is possible, but your mouse won't work or in case of WIN3.1 only half screen. So always run in a windowed session. When you do that you have full control with your mouse.

--- End quote ---

My mouse works fine in a WinOS2 full screen and last I checked, same with DOS, which has to be started full screen here.
Most of those other settings seem to be for your personal setup.

Martin Iturbide:

So, do I lose hope right now to make DOS sound with Uniaud? Is there any Sound Blaster emulation I can get into OS/2-DOS today by using UniAud on the OS/2 machine?



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