I will be removing BA/2K from all of my systems this weekend and will continue looking for a viable tape backup solution.
I abandoned BA/2K about 15 years ago. I also would never even consider using tape as a back up media. It is just way to unreliable.
Today, I use ZIP to ZIP up each drive to a USB stick (or USB HDD), or two. You do need the ZIP that is supplied by RPM/YUM (use Arca Noae package Manager to manage the RPM stuff, it is available, for free at
https://www.arcanoae.com/resources/downloadables/arca-noae-package-manager/ - be sure to READ all of it), so that it can handle files (in and out) that are larger than 2 GB. To back up my drives (even the drive that I am booted from), I use the commands:
zip.exe -9yrS CDRIVE.ZIP C:\* -x@exclude.list 2>&1 | tee.exe CZIP.LOG
in a batch file. The file exclude.list contains file names, that do not need to be backed up (SWAPPER.DAT, for instance, is recreated at each boot, so it doesn't need to be backed up). I will leave it up to you to decide what else doesn't need to be backed up.
To restore a ZIP file, I use the Arca Noae Archive tool, where you can select the files that you want, or the whole thing. To do the whole thing, select the target drive, format it, and unzip everything to the root, making sure to select the full paths option. The AN Archive tool is not available to those who do not have ArcaOS, but you can buy ZIPPY which is the program that the AN Archive tool is based on. It, and a more official PM BACKUP, is available at: