This is the list of SDL games that presented some problems on the machine.
Abe's Amazing Adventure 1.0 SDL / SDD GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
Alien Blaster 1.1.0 SDL / SDD GNU GPL Old SDL.DLL
Amoebax 0.2.1 SDL GNU GPL Old SDL12.DLL
- Cuyo 2.1.0 SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependancy?
- Dave Gnukem 0.56 SDL / SDD GNU GPL *** SDD Dependancy
- Enigma 0.92 SDD? GNU GPL *** SDD Dependancy
- Fish Fillet SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependancy?
- Formido 1.0 SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
- UHexen 0.601 SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
- Jump n' Bump SDL GNU GPL *** CANT RUN
- Kobo Deluxe SDL / SDD GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
- Kuklomenos 0.4.5 VORBISFI.DLL / SDL GNU GPL *** Missing lib
- Lopan 0.9 SDL / SDD GNU GPL *** SDD dependecy
- Luola 1.2.6 SDL / SSDD GNU GPL *** SDD dependecy
- Marryampic2 0.6 SDL / SDD GNU GPL *** SDD Dependancy
- OpenJazz Jazz Jackrabbit SDL / GCC GNU GPL *** Can't run
- Primate Plunge SDL Freeware OLD SDL12.DLL
- QNetWalk 1.4 SDL / KSDL GNU GPL OLD SDL12.DLL- Rock Doger 0.6 SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependecy
- Rocks n Diamonds 3.2.4 SDL GNU GPL *** CANT RUN
- SDL Invaders SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
- SDL Roids SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
- SDL Zombies SDL GNU GPL *** SDD Dependency
- Snake Me SDL Source Code *** SDD Dependecy
- Tasteroids 0.6.1 Qt4 / SDL GNU GPL *** Can not run
- Tiles World SDL / SDDOpen Source *** SDD Dependecy
- Tuxfootball 0.3.1 SDL GNU GPL *** Can not run
- Water SDL GNU GPL *** Do not run
- XRick SDL /SDD Freeware *** SDD Dependency
- YAPE SDL GNU GPL *** Do not run