Digi's SDL trps the same.
What I think the bug is, is that it queries the list of possible full screen video modes, which here just returns one, 1680x1050 in my case, and then tries to go through the list of video modes to make sure they will work. At this point it crashes when trying to load the 2nd member of an array of one.
I'm not really a programmer and can't see the simple fix, I'll think on it some more.
The broken code is,
else {
IFDEBUG_VIDEO(sys_printf("xrick/video: SDL says, use these modes:\n"););
for (i = 0; modes[i]; i++) {
IFDEBUG_VIDEO(sys_printf(" %dx%d\n", modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h););
according to the trp report. the crash happens here (perhaps actually the 2 lines above?)
if (modes[i]->w <= modes[mode]->w && modes[i]->w >= SYSVID_WIDTH &&
modes[i]->h * SYSVID_WIDTH >= modes[i]->w * SYSVID_HEIGHT) {
mode = i;
fszoom = modes[mode]->w / SYSVID_WIDTH;
Edit, pointed to crashing line.