Have you ever seen this TV show? And specifically this segment?
Sports Night -- Sam Donovan -- Cliff Gardner speechWe could all learn something from Sam on how to encourage people to do their best work (and not so much on the rededicating the rest of your life aspect, though you do have to admire his passion).
My goals are different than traditional open source software endeavors. I have a purpose and a plan and a focus in doing what I'm doing. It's not for trivial pursuits I'm trying to move forward. It's to give mankind something new. It is a huge undertaking, and I have to go through stages to get to the place where I can do it. I am doing that presently, and this game authoring is part of those stages.
I have demonstrated my coding ability in several things I have done from scratch in short periods of time. This game is one of them. I started on it the weekend before Christmas 2018, and its design was completed in early January, and I'm currently tweaking the last few features of it. In that time I've created a base gaming engine which will allow me to write games #2, #3, #4, etc., much faster. I have created a sound system capable of mixing together n-audio channels in real-time using limited processing power. I have created new and re-used existing graphics algorithms from my Visual FreePro project. And as far as new from-scratch OS-related code goes, I began writing screen drivers and disk drivers
for ES/1.
Nearly every person on this board has been standoffish or hostile toward me because I have evangelized in the past. I am truly hated by many people on this board for that reason. I can't change that aspect of their feelings toward me, but I am not some hateful person. I have the most sincere and best intentions for ES/1 and ES/2, as well as the other projects I'm involved with. I am sincere in moving them forward, but they do require sequencing to get there. I have been working on this project since July, 2012, with some time off in early 2015 thru early 2018 because I got sick (I think I worked myself into exhaustion to be honest). I've since re-grouped and have re-focused my life, drawing my entire family's resources toward these project ends.
You say you want to see some progress? I'm not just seeking to recompile FF or SM on OS/2. You can use those apps on another OS for whatever purposes you want. I'm seeking to create an entire new community, a new system of processing, a new way of interacting with one another that is not part of this existing infrastructure we've seen evolve into this heavy-handed platform of bandwidth waste and CPU hogging utilization on hardware that has known exploits that I have no doubt were engineered to be in there on purpose with technologies like vPro even from the early days.
We can do far better than that, and I am striving to do better than that.
I come here asking for help on my projects, but everybody is stuck on the "Let's make OS/2 look like every other OS out there" bandwagon. Well I'm sorry, but OS/2 is not like every other OS out there. Its capabilities are far greater. We had things in OS/2 2.x that we still don't have in Windows 10! And there are many more features needed.
When I get to the point in 2020 that I'm ready to start working on my ES/1 and ES/2 kernels, and the overall suite of apps that will make them work ... you will then see my foot to the floor, and see what one man with a vision and high passion for that vision can accomplish. Until then, you'll have to trust that behind the scenes I'm moving like a duck's feet below water. You only see the slow-moving surface "Rick" ... but underneath, hidden from view, there's a significant movement.
And I am content to leave OS/2 World until I'm ready to begin working on this project. I do not appreciate the ongoing hatred I receive, the sidelong insults given in the form of support (as Martin is so fond of doing in nearly every post).
I am not writing ES/2 for any of you specifically. I am writing it because I have been blessed with a certain skillset and I have a desire to use that skillset for honorable purposes, and not for money purposes, or not for control or domination purposes. I want to create something amazing and give it to people, source code and all, in the Public Domain, so people can use them for whatever purposes they see fit. I literally want to change the world, and your comments, and other people's comments, and even any encouragement I receive one way or the other, none of it will make any difference because my goals are from within, not from without.
If you want to wait until there is a bootable kernel before being convinced ... fine. That is your prerogative.