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Arca Noae progress report: ArcaOS on UEFI-only hardware
Martin Iturbide:
About: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae progress report: ArcaOS on UEFI-only hardware
Very good news. It is great to see finally (referring to the old Mensys/XEU days) some progress for the present of the platform. Even that UEFI support is still on very early stage, it is good to see that something has started, I'm looking forward to test that on the future.
I'm on the "Arca Noae Test" mailing list and even that I don't contribute as much as I would like to, I really see that things are moving to release Arca Noae 5.0.4 and the progress for the localization releases for ArcaOS 5.1. There is a lot of details on each update and a lot of movement there.
As you can see, today I'm very optimistic about the platform. Remember that ArcaOS 5.0.0 was released on May 15, 2017, and it had eclipsed any eComStation functionality in only one year. I really hope that after the ArcaOS 5.1 launch with local languages support, Arca Noae can focus more on the present of the platform (drivers, drivers, drivers) and also start thinking on the long term future (component replacement, API improvement, WPS improvements, growing the user base and more bold things).
I agree Martin, it is good to see some improvements but I do wish they would do something about the USB3.0 and 3.1 problem. It is becoming harder to find PCIe based USB2 add in cards that don't use a xHCI based chip working in USB2 mode. It makes it extremely difficult to use Ryzen based motherboards (no usb keyboards, mouse, trackball etc.).
Dennis Smith:
This is a big feat considering most of the source code is either lost by IBM or somewhere in Russia. It must have taken a lot of reverse engineering of low level code to make it happen.
Andreas Schnellbacher:
--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on March 12, 2019, 06:39:58 pm ---It is great to see finally (referring to the old Mensys/XEU days) some progress for the present of the platform.
--- End quote ---
The next feature regarding the survival of OS/2 will probably be a driver for USB 3.
--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on March 12, 2019, 06:39:58 pm ---Remember that ArcaOS 5.0.0 was released on May 15, 2017, and it had eclipsed any eComStation functionality in only one year.
--- End quote ---
BTW: That's not entirely true. ArcaOS bases on all the development that was made prior for eCS 2.2 beta 2 and thereafter (by almost the same people, now within a new environment). There were several years we saw eCS dying before the release of ArcaOS 5.0.0.
Martin Iturbide:
I'm not sure if I can talk about what is going on inside the AN test mailing list in detail, I don't want to get kicked out. I just can say that I remain optimist about USB 3 also.
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