OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Utilities
PMVNC & Linux?
Is there a version, (or an equivalent), of/to PMVNC for OS/2 that works with OS/2 and Linux... with Linux acting as the host?
I know that the version for OS/2 is ancient and it is highly unlikely to be compatible with modern versions, but there must be someone out there that has a solution and can save me some time duplicating their research.
HobLink/2 no longer works, (even though I have added the eCSreg*.ini files), so that is not an option.
Any help would be appreciated...
Dave Yeo:
PMVNC should work with Linux VNC, at least it did last time I tried a couple of years ago. As far as I know they should negotiate a common protocol. If not post your errors.
Ian B Manners:
PMVNC v104 works fine from OS/2 to MAC (my wifes) and to Free BSD (My new computer).
Haven't tried it in the other direction yet, though I will soon to ensure I can access my OS/2 and AIX servers ok.
OS/2 will end up in a virtual PC under BSD, eventually. Still cant find alternatives to some of my OS/2 programs.
Doug Bissett:
--- Quote from: Ben on September 30, 2013, 11:17:31 am ---Is there a version, (or an equivalent), of/to PMVNC for OS/2 that works with OS/2 and Linux... with Linux acting as the host?
I know that the version for OS/2 is ancient and it is highly unlikely to be compatible with modern versions, but there must be someone out there that has a solution and can save me some time duplicating their research.
HobLink/2 no longer works, (even though I have added the eCSreg*.ini files), so that is not an option.
Any help would be appreciated...
--- End quote ---
I just tried this, and it works. In eCS (OS/2) you need the PM VNC package installed (the server part), and configured (just add a password).
Then, use Firefox in Linux, with the URL "" (without the quotes, and use the address of the target machine). It will ask for the password. Enter that, and the eCS desktop will open in Firefox.
I am using Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon 64, and it comes with a program called VINO, which shows in the menu as "Desktop Sharing". You need to configure that to allow others to view, and control, your desktop. I turn off confirming a connection, and add a password. Set the rest as you like. Then, in eCS, I tried using Firefox, but it doesn't seem to work. Using VNCViewer from: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/internet/misc/pmvnc104_ow.zip works. Just connect to the URL (, and enter the password. I notice that the connection takes a few seconds, where connecting to another eCS machine is almost instant. I suspect that is something that needs to be set, but it figures it out.
Dave Yeo:
At one time there was a Java based VNC viewer for Firefox etc. Haven't heard of a native VNC viewer being added to Firefox though I might have missed it. Perhaps about:plugins or looking at the installed extensions might show something.
The slow connect speed could well be just negotiating a common protocol, newer VNC has various compression algorithms and who knows what to speed things up.
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