I can use Tor and Firefox (or SeaMonkey) with any unencrypted website like http:\\hobbes.nmsu.edu. But encrypted, like https:\\www.youtube.com will not work. The last version I know of that worked was Firefox 17. It was reported way back then, but nothing was ever done...
Hi David,
I just redo Vidalia torcc conf file and updated vidalia conf file.... Now, I can access HTTP: sites but like you, HTTPS: will not work !
http://trac.netlabs.org/qtapps/wiki/QT4%20Networking < works
Here is what I set under Vidalia torcc
ControlPort 9051
ControlPortWriteToFile W:/home/.tor/port.conf
CookieAuthentication 1
DataDirectory W:/home/.tor
Log notice stdout
SocksPort 9050
Under conf:
I added
AuthenticationMethod=cookie <<== this which was missing here
Firefox proxy setting on port 9050
Socks5 and DNS checked
Under no proxy, I've added:
Since https will not work, what is the raison of Tor ?
How to acces https from firefox via tor ?
Update: I just tested to add under firefox config for DoH
But it didn't help to make https links working with tor !