There are a few (possibly unwritten) rules about USB drivers:
UHCI and or OHCI BEFORE EHCI. Extra ones don't seem to matter. I have one machine where I must have enough of each, or none at all, or it won't boot.
Leave out the "REQ:" stuff. It is not required, and the drivers do a better job of figuring that out, without it. What you have there is wrong anyway.
Define floppies only if you have a floppy USB drive, otherwise zero will prevent stray, not operational, drive icons from cluttering up the drives object. REMOVEABLES should be one more than the maximum possible number of devices that you would ever connect. That includes one for each possible device on a multicard reader, if you have one. The default, in recent eCS distributions is 8. I would suggest no less than 4.
I have AMouse.sys in my config.sys above the USB entries. I am assuming that order makes no difference.
There are some dependencies for ordering lines in CONFIG.SYS. If you don't know them, I suggest one of two programs to sort your CONFIG.SYS properly. One comes with eCS:
The other is available at HOBBES: sure to READ the instructions. LCSS sorts CONFIG.SYS so that humans, as well as machines, can understand it.
Doesn't the number of "Floppies" reserve drive letters?
You will see the number of icons that you define (including zero). If you have a floppy USB drive, define one (or more if you are likely to attach more than one floppy USB drive) only if you actually plan to use a floppy drive. Otherwise, the icons just take up real estate in the drives object, for no good reason. Most people don't know what they are, or where they came from, because they do nothing, until you attach a floppy USB drive.