Closing down services won't make Yahoo any more popular. I wonder why they do that. What's yahoo for, these days anyway? Everybody does his searches with google or duckduckgo. Now groups are gone... so.. why not close down Yahoo for good?
Reading the latest promi news can be done elsewere too.. :>
That is a value judgement ("nobody uses Yahoo. Get rid of it"). Bandwidth is very expensive and we are only talking about 10-12 (unused) os2 groups.
It IS a "value judgement". I stopped using YAHOO (the whole site), years ago, simply because there was way too much advertising, and way too little content of any value. If you want people to use your services, make it worth the effort. Meanwhile, there are other options where we don't get spied on, and we don't have to put up with annoying advertising.
Losing YAHOO, is no great loss, IMO. Unfortunately, YAHOO will still exist, until the sheep smarten up, and abandon it. Many other sites deserve the same.