Yes, Laurence, you are right. It is a race between the PM editor and the helper program. DosWaitNPipe in the helper program fits the purpose:
#define logwrite if (logging) {logf = fopen (ExeDir, "at"); fprintf
#define logend; fclose (logf);}
FILE *logf;
char Inpipename[50];
logwrite (logf, "trying opening Inpipe %s\n", Inpipename); logend;
rc = DosOpen (Inpipename, &cmd_stdin, &ulAction, 0, FILE_NORMAL, FILE_OPEN, OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY |
if (rc != 0) {logwrite (logf, "error %i Open Named Pipe %s\n", rc, Inpipename); logend;}
if (rc == 231) { //Pipe is busy because Server did not finished calling DosConnectNPipe yet
Timeout = 1000;/*ms*/
rc = DosWaitNPipe(Inpipename, Timeout);
logwrite (logf, "DosWaitNPipe returns %i\n", rc); logend;
//try opening pipe again
rc = DosOpen (Inpipename, &cmd_stdin, &ulAction, 0, FILE_NORMAL, FILE_OPEN, OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY |
logwrite (logf, "second trial Open Named Pipe %s returns %i\n", Inpipename, rc); logend;
else {logwrite (logf, "successful open Named Pipe %s\n", Inpipename); logend;}
I can see in the logfile, that sometimes the additional code gets executed. Now I have to implement much more easier stuff.