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Community Ideas BrainStorm for 2020

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Martin Iturbide:

I had been wondering what can be do as a community on 2020 to help supporting our platform.
OS2World is going to be 20 years old on 2020 and we usually work on helping each other on the forums, publishing news, trying to consolidate documentation and knowledge (wiki) and in general supporting the OS/2 platform.

But what do you think we should try to do different and/or improve  for the next years?

Any draft, idea, thought is welcome for the brainstorm.


Andreas Schnellbacher:
The main answer is simple: Do that, what our main producer, Arca Noae, doesn't and what is valuable for us.

About the details:

* Sample lists of working and recent hardware. Do we already have more reports than working hardware components?
* Sample lists of utilities that are missing in recent ArcaOS installations.
* Produce reviews about them.
* Produce any review.Additional thoughts:

* Also a documentation about installing ArcaOS from USB stick would probably be helpful for many. That's a relative new feature and is probably not known by everyone.
* The new update and upcoming upgrade features need also reviews.
* SaMBa is still unknown to many. Reports may help.

Dariusz Piatkowski:
Martin, everyone...: Happy New Year to all!

Hmm, excellent question you pose. Here are a few wishes I have (some of this I've voiced in the past as well):

1) Development
- can we pick-up from where EDM/2 left-off?
- I know some effort has been made, but does anyone today really know "who knows what" (from a technical/dev perspective) on our platform?
- Yes, there are a couple of core groups (BWW and AN), but who does what, who knows what?
- Along with this really comes the notion of "can anyone build/write-up instructions to create a robust OS/2 development environment?" we can all use?

2) RPM
- it feels like we would do ourselves a favour by migrating as much of what we currently have to RPMs, so is there a way for all of us to engage in the RPM-Migration effort?
- if this is doable, how do we support that effort with the right platform? I'm thinking an actual central repository of OS2World activities, say os2world-rel & os2world-exp? These should not double up on what's already being done elsewhere, instead these should be anciliary

3) Testing
- a bit of a follow-up to the RPM above, but if you take a look at everything that's sitting out there on netlabs-exp right now you've got a list of about 15 packages I think...many of them have been in the netlabs-exp repo for quite some is that b/c the testing is slow to move these to -rel?
- perhaps we could help with the testing efforts?
- right now I (personally) have absolutely ZERO idea how the current team does the testing and what actually causes a package to be pushed from -exp to -rel status
- this is a lot of manual effort, which means body count matters, and that's precisely where we could all help


From a "who done it an how" perspective I'd be happy to sign-up for a "How to configure RSYNC" article. I am currently going through this on my machine, both LOCAL and NETWORKED runs, so I think I should be able to pull some stuff together. Do we just toss this out into OS2World Wiki => HowTo pages (

Martin Iturbide:

--- Quote from: Dariusz Piatkowski on January 01, 2020, 04:23:42 pm ---From a "who done it an how" perspective I'd be happy to sign-up for a "How to configure RSYNC" article. I am currently going through this on my machine, both LOCAL and NETWORKED runs, so I think I should be able to pull some stuff together. Do we just toss this out into OS2World Wiki => HowTo pages (

--- End quote ---

Hi Dariusz.
Free free to toss it to the "HowTo pages" on the wiki, I will also review it and make any format change so it can be correctly displayed. Let me know if you need any help with the Wiki.


Martin Iturbide:
Happy New Year !!!

Thanks for sharing your ideas.  I really like some of those, and I would like to help in some.
I would not like to reply on each idea yet, maybe each one require a new thread.

Let's keep brainstorming.



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