Now I managed to implement all the functionality I wanted for the WDsibyl library:
tForm.Formstyle = fsSystemStayOnTop
tForm.Formstyle = fsStayOnTop
For turning on the TOPMOST functionality, I used
Turning off:
WinSetWindowBits(hwnd, QWL_STYLE, 0, WS_TOPMOST);
If the window is not created while setting the property, the window is created with the WS_TOPMOST flag.
For "fsStayOnTop", I have fetched all events where other window go to HWND_TOP of and in these cases, all the forms of the program which have got the fsStayOnTop property set are going to top after the window which has gone to top by the user. It works already fine.
I send now the changes to Rolf which collects the libary changes. I will send a message here if the new WDsibyl library is available.