I want to be able to run an on-demand (scheduled most likely) forced refresh of a particular folder, is there a call in REXX that would allow me to do so?
Basically I'm thinking the equivalent of 'RMB=>Refresh Now'.
Reason being: the built-in logic of XWP refresh causes frequent traps here (not hard trap, but soft trap) where XWP folders stop populating, this always requires either a Desktop re-start, or a complete re-boot. Since shutting this feature OFF I have been able to maintain pretty good WPS stability and rarely have the need today to force a re-boot.
However, there are certain folders, like my NAS LOG directory (where I'm sending all the various system LOGs) which of course are being populated very frequently and which my machine has a hard time detecting on a timely basis. Result being that from CLI I can see LOG udpates having been done, but through WPS these updated entries do not show up.
My thinking therefore is to schedule a forced refresh, run every 5 mins (I will play around with this) so that such particular folders are always up-to-date.
The NAS box access is through NetDrive and is a Samba share, I am currently using RL Walsh's OO.EXE to set the default folder view on several NAS folders to XVIEW, but as best as I can tell there is no option there for me to do a folder refresh.