OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Multimedia

Updated Uniaud32 build

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Eugene Tucker:
Hello Martin the subject of the driver my Dell laptop. Model Inspiron 5537. It was using the last availible drive from Arca Noae.

David Graser:
On my Levovo T430S, the sound works as it should.

Well, it's not all bad news, it works perfectly for me. On an Hp8760W, the old one also worked. Thank you anyway.

David Graser:
One of the problems I have noticed is that when adjusting the sound level through the sound object in the System Setup folder, it has no effect on the volume icon.  When I first installed the new driver, I had the volume.exe set to 0 and was adjusting with the sound object.  I had no sound with the new driver.  Although sound object set to 100%, the volume controller still showed 0.  It was only when I adjusted the sound with the volume controller did I get my sound back.
This with ArcaOS 5.04.

Easy to test:

Use volume icon to set sound level to 0.
Go to System Setup folder > Sound icon.
Set the volume on the sound icon to 100% and test sound.  On my machine, I had no sound.

There will not be sound until one goes back to the volume control icon and adjust the sound there.

Hi, Paul.

On my desktop computer with the updated driver, the sound is gone. In archive log files.


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