Heh Paul!
Hope your having a fine week.
Temps today are into fall normals here (ie. cold) so had some time this morning to spend a little more time on having a look at the SB Recon3D.
Again thanks for giving us some access to your historic TRAC files.
I've narrowed down when it started to work as to within the 5.10.x UniAud32 series.
5.10.45 20210619 produces no sound and you get the window attached below, when accessing PMUnimix, which states:
uniaud_mixer_get_ctls_number:error $00000000
Testlog for this version is also attached
5.10.50 20210721, your next build, is where you get the Recon3D to work, with the current state we've observed (cold boot / warm boot from other partitions, a single Master Playback sound section, which does not control the mixer).
Testlog for this version also attached.
As the GIT changelog I originally attached said 4.18 RC1 was released in June 2018, and thats where the ca0132 changes were supposedly committed, I'm wondering whether that patch I attached previously was ever committed to the source files you used, for some strange reason - I noted that a 4.17.19 build of UniAud32 and a 4.19.163 build were released - I tested both and got the same window as described about, moving upward until 5.10.50 - I suspect some other support function is causing it to function there - hopefully there were not too many commitments between 5.10.45 and 5.10.50.
Anyway, just thought I'd let you know what I discovered, as it was interesting and Best!