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Andi B.:
You can easily bring the upper shared memory down with Seamonkey and I think some javascripts. When I work on some wiki sites (Atlassian Confluence) it only needs a few tabs open and you have to have an eye on upper shared memory as it is all eaten up very fast. Even VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 does not help very much here.


--- Quote from: Andreas Schnellbacher on June 15, 2020, 09:44:26 pm ---Really bad news. I think I'll rather stick to my 2 GB FM2+ mainboard.

--- End quote ---

I put an old X800 in and now have:
C:\sys\install\DETECT>mem /v

Total physical memory:      8.162 MB
Accessible to system:       3.567 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:    4.595 MB

Resident memory:              185 MB
Available virtual memory:   2.920 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         315 MB
  Private high memory:      1.344 MB
  Shared low memory:          212 MB
  Shared high memory:         957 MB


--- Quote from: Andi B. on June 21, 2020, 11:13:45 am ---You can easily bring the upper shared memory down with Seamonkey and I think some javascripts. When I work on some wiki sites (Atlassian Confluence) it only needs a few tabs open and you have to have an eye on upper shared memory as it is all eaten up very fast. Even VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 does not help very much here.

--- End quote ---
I have also seen this problem of running out of memory in some web pages, try putting this in config.sys:
I think it improves, but you will say.


--- Quote from: Rich Walsh on June 20, 2020, 07:43:36 pm ---'mem' tells you how much physical RAM is accessible by OS/2. This has NOTHING to do with Virtual Address Limit which is a software concept unrelated to actual physical memory.

Every process has 4096mb of "virtual address space". The kernel always uses the top 1024mb of addresses from 3072 to 4096 mb. Virtual Address Limit determines how much of the remaining 3072mb a program is allowed to use.

--- End quote ---
Look for a computer with that defect of abnormal high memory.
Although it has nothing to do with it, the behavior is different.
I provided to put a value of virtualaddresslimit of 3100, and during the start it stopped but did not continue when pressing enter. What it does on a normal computer.Ivan was talking about amd, I have seen it in intel, so I think of something in the bios.


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