After doing a bit of research I found there are several ssh_term files for .bsd, .linux, .orig, .os2, .sun, .vt100 but I guess there should be one for Windows which define the terminal emulation of the server (I presume) and key mappings. I tried doing ssh -tc <filename> user@host and then entered the password. I can log in but when I attempt to clear the screen, the cursor jumps to the top and leaves all the text there.
I did install VIM editor which does work except for the fact that the text that was there before is still there so unreadable and I think this has to do with selecting the correct terminal emulation file.
This is still useful since I written some command scripts to start and stop Virtual Box VMs as well as checking to see if I still have any of my VMs running by typing "tasklist /fi "imagename eq VBoxHeadless.exe" which returns with any headless VM sessions I may have running.