The critical part Is generally I can't get anything from outside the VM to inside. So at this point I am stuck and can't go on.
Hi Jim,
Linux can be pure hell to use if the distribution's packages are poorly maintained causing the system to break after updates. Some distributions are well maintained and can be great to work with.
I assume your VM host is Linux. As a short term fix, until you get your OS/2 networking working with your host, you can transfer files into your VM OS/2 guest by placing your files in an ISO image and mounting the ISO image on your VM OS/2 guest. With Linux, you can easily create an ISO image containing your files using the following command:
$ mkisofs -o [filename.iso] [directory_path]
-o [filename.iso] defines the file name of the ISO image you want to create
[directory_path] is the directory containing the files you want to store in the ISO image